点开始菜单,找到Accessories(附件),找到Command Prompt窗口,点右键,选“run as administrator”(以管理员身份运行),之后再执行先前的命令就好了。 2017年8月26日11:43:09
C#以管理员(Run as Administrator)的权限打开cmd.exe程指定序并执行命令,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Why You Need to Run CMD as Administrator 以管理员身份运行CMD的主要原因是某些命令和操作需要更高的权限。例如,安装软件、修改系统设置、访问受限的文件和文件夹等操作都需要管理员权限。如果没有以管理员身份运行CMD,某些命令可能会失败,并显示“访问被拒绝”或“权限不足”的错误信息。方法一:使用搜索功能Method...
点开始菜单,找到Accessories(附件),找到Command Prompt窗口,点右键,选“run as administrator”(以管理员身份运行),之后再执行先前的命令就好了。 本文转自张昺华-sky博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/xiandedanteng/p/7434908.html,如需转载请自行联系原作者...
win用cmd窗口运行bat文件 1. 右键点击bat文件,run as administrator;根据提示2. 通过电脑左下角Windows窗口(或Windows键,找所有应用),找到terminal菜单,右键,通过administrator打开命令窗口,到bat文件所在目录,输入完整路径执行,例如:C:\weblogic\install.bat回车
permission to run off the current user under the command, for example in the work environment we often need to use some of the USERS user group under the command, and the command is must have administrator privileges to run, which requires the cancellation or change current account, more ...
An elevated CMD.EXE started by going directly to C:\Windows\System32\ and right-clicking on the real CMD.EXE and selecting Run as Administrator, no problem. But if an elevated CMD.EXE is open, "l" switches straight to that window. ...
1: Right click run as adminiatrator on the cmd shortcut or executable 2: Right click, open properties of shortcut or exe, click "run with administrator priviledges" and click okay, now when you open it it launches as administrator 3: launch cmd from a powershell session specifying to run...
And I see no checkbox with choice to run it as administrator. QUESTIONS Is it even possible? If yes how do I do it? Using settings or other way? There are no options in the IDE for running the shell (cmd.exe,powershell.exeetc.) with higher rights at the moment. ...