步骤1.使用Windows+S打开搜索框,输入 cmd并选择 Run as administrator。 步骤2.在命令提示符窗口中,依次输入以下命令,分别回车执行。 wmic 磁盘驱动器获取状态 如果您的驱动器健康状况良好,您将收到一条 OK 消息。 方法8. 禁用 BitLocker 加密 BitLocker 驱动器加密是 Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8 和 Win...
以管理员模式打开CMD 【方式1:纯命令行】 runas /user:administrator cmd runas /user:Johnny cmd (假定Johnny拥有管理员的权限/角色) 【方式2:快捷键】(调用Powershell的管理员模式) Win+X, A 回到顶部(Back to Top) X CMD编程自定义临时变量(关闭CMD后,下次CMD时已失效)...
Right-click the main listed result and choose "Run as Administrator."Step 2: Type in CHKDSK and press Enter. Windows will now examine your basic file system structure, name linkage, and security descriptors and let you know any possible problems....
tlntadmn.exe Administrator Telnet服务管理 tlntsess.exe 显示目前的Telnet会话 tlntsvr.exe 开始Telnet服务 tracert.exe 诊断实用程序将包含不同生存时间 (TTL) 值的 Internet 控制消息协议 (ICMP) 回显数据包发送到目标,以决定到达目标采用的路由 tsadmin.exe Administrator 终端服务管理器 (XP不可用) tscon.exe 粘贴...
Step 1. Open cmd with administrator. Step 2. Typechkdsk *: /fand pressEnter. The * stand for the drive letter of your drive containing deleted files. Note:The chkdsk command only works for recognized drive. If your drive becomes RAW, you may receive theCHKDSK is not available for RAW ...
Log in with your administrator account and password if necessary. Step 1. On the command window, type chkdsk drive letter: /r/f (e.g., chkdsk d: /r/f) and hit Enter. (Replace d with the drive letter of your storage device where you lost files.) Step 2. On the command prompt ...
56、行 Netware 脚本odbcad32.exe > ODBC 32-bit Administrator 32 位 ODBCg理odbcconf.exe > Configure ODBC driver's and data source's from command line 命令行配置ODBC区动和数据源taskman.exe > Task Manager 任务管理器taskmgr.exe > Starts the Windows 2000 Task Manager 任务管理器tcmsetup.exe >...
net user Administrator // 查看当前机器上的Administrator用户的信息 net user Guest /active:yes // 启用Guest用户 net user dev 123456 /add // 新建一个名为dev,密码为123456的用户 net localgroup administrators dev /add // 把名为dev的用户添加到管理员用户组中,使其具有管理员权限 net user dev /del...
Step 1. Inputcmdin the search bar of Windows > ClickCommand Prompt> ClickOpen. (ChooseRun as administratorif necessary). Step 2. On the command window, typechkdsk #: /f /r(Replace#with the letter of your storage device). Hit theEnterkey. ...
chkdsk.exe---Chkdsk磁盘检查 certmgr.msc---证书管理实用程序 calc---启动计算器 charmap---启动字符...