Display Printer Status: WMICPRINTERLIST brief WMICPRINTERLIST /? WMICPRINTERwhere PortName="LPT1:" GET PortName, Name, ShareName WMIC /INTERACTIVE:ONPRINTERwhere PortName="LPT1:" DELETE WMICPROCESSwhere name='evil.exe' delete WMIC /output:"%computername%.txt"MEMORYCHIPwhere "memorytype=17" get...
语法:config.sys 中加入: device=c:\dos\interlnk.exe [drive:n][/noprinter][com][lpt] 十七、memmaker[/b][/batch][session][/swap:drive] 使用memmaker能够优化内存配置,?并将配置写入autoexec.bat和config.sys中. 在这一过程中,需要重新启动几次机器. 十八、memitem memcolor memdefault submenu 菜单选...
prnport Creates, deletes, and lists standard TCP/IP printer ports, in addition to displaying and changing port configuration. This command is a Visual Basic script located in the %WINdir%\System32\printing_Admin_Scripts\<language> directory. To use this command at a command prompt, type cscript...
值得一提的是,Windows不像Linux 那样可以使非常自如的使用命令行,对比使用之后,就会发现Windows的命令行有点不人性化,用起来很不方便,但是有时候我们又不得不去使用cmd命令,为了方便大家学习和使用,我找来了较全的cmd命令集合,供大家学习和使用。因为有时候在网上找的命令不符合我们的使用目的。甚至还有不对的命令。
dnscmd [<servername>] /unenlistdirectorypartition <partitionFQDN> ParametersExpand table ParametersDescription <servername> Specifies the DNS server to manage, represented by IP address, FQDN, or host name. If this parameter is omitted, the local server is used. <partitionFQDN> The FQDN of the...
lpr.exe > send a print job to a network printer. 重定向打印任务到网络中的打印机。通常用于unix客户打印机将打印任务发送给连接了打印设备的nt的打印机服务器。 lsass.exe > lsa executable and server dll 运行lsa和server的dll lserver.exe > specifies the new dns domain for the default server ...
Thechoicecommand prompts a user to choose an answer from a list of options. Without any parameters, the command prompts the user to choose betweenYandNoptions. Additional options control the number of choices and the prompt text. For example, to add a third choice, use the/cparameter and li...
Nslookup---IP地址侦测器 explorer---打开资源管理器 logoff---注销命令 tsshutdn---60秒倒计时关机命令 lusrmgr.msc---本机用户和组 services.msc---本地服务设置 oobe/msoobe /a---检查XP是否激活 notepad---打开记事本 cleanmgr---垃圾整理 net start messenger...
1、cmd常用命令大全 cmd运行命令cmd常用命令大全2K和XP下的CMD命令 accwiz.exe > 辅助工具向导 acsetups.exe > acs setup dcom server executable actmovie.exe > 直接显示安装工具 append.exe > 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据 arp.exe > 显示和更改计算机的ip与硬件物理地址的对应列 2、表 推荐精选at.exe >...
PRNMNGRAdd, delete, or list printer connections. PRNPORTManage Printer Ports, change port configuration. PRNQCTLManage Print Queues, print a test page. ProcDumpMonitor an application for CPU spikes PROMPTChange the command prompt • PsExecExecute process remotely ...