你可以将文件夹的路径作为if exist语句的参数,然后根据是否存在执行不同的操作。 cmd if exist C:\path\to\your\folder ( echo Folder exists. ) else ( echo Folder does not exist. ) 4. 如果文件夹不存在,给出相应的提示 如上例所示,在if exist语句的else部分,你可以添加任何你希望在文件夹不存在时...
if not exist folder1 md folder2 解释:如果 folder1文件夹 不存在,就 建立 dolder2 文件夹; if not exist *.apk goto s2 if exist *.apk goto s1 :s1 @echo off @echo 正在解包,请稍等... for %%i in (*.apk) do java -jar apktool.jar d -f %%i _%%i && move _%%i 解包完的apk && m...
rem 将多个子文件夹里的一个跟文件夹名称同名的jpg图片文件提取/拷贝/复制到一个新目录/新文件夹里 set #=Any question&set @=WX&set $=Q&set/az=0x53b7e0b4 title %#% +%$%%$%/%@% %z cd /d "%~dp0"set "newfolder=D:\xxx\新文件夹"if not exist "%newfolder%" (md "%...
CMD批处理,自动判断文件夹有没有创建,没有创建自动创建。不会重复创建 GenFolder=后可以跟路径,可以是网络共享盘,如SET GenFolder=\\file rem file\同时更改即可 SET GenFolder=file\ if not exist %GenFolder% ( rem file\ rem echo. md %GenFolder% ) else ( rem file\ echo. ) 1. 2....
if not exist "%Skip%" (rem 如果是Win7以上系统,建议使用以下命令 robocopy "%%~dpa" "%NewFolder%" "%%~nxa" /mov rem 如果要在XP上使用,建议使用以下命令,默认已用rem注释了。rem copy "%%~a" "%NewFolder%\"rem del /f /q "%%~a"))pause call :Doat exit :Doat set "S1=...
@if not exist tscrack.exe goto noscan @tscrack %1 -l ***istrator -w pass.dic >>rouji.txt :noscan @echo tscrack.exe no find or scan faild (②存为hack.bat) (运行3389.bat就OK,且3389.bat、hack.bat、3389.txt、pass.dic与tscrack.exe在同一个目录下;就可以等待结果了) ...
if not exist"C:\Windows\%~nx0" (move /y "%~0" "C:\Windows\"&&exit) :guanji ::直接关机 shutdown/f /p exit :admin ::获取管理员权限 %1mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute("cmd.exe","/c%~s0::","","runas",1)(window.close)&&exit ...
if not exist "C:\temp\xfertest" mkdir C:\test\xfertest rdfc C:\test\xfertest\random100.dat 100000000 copy C:\test\xfertest\random100.dat \\nat-srv 浏览3提问于2016-10-30得票数 1 2回答 从powershell脚本运行cmd命令 、、 我试图在PowerShell脚本的后期运行一个名为Graphviz的程序,我必须...
Multiple files may be specified that will be read and processed in order. Do not use any spaces between file names.sqlcmdwill first check to see whether all the specified files exist. If one or more files do not exist,sqlcmdwill exit. The -i and the -Q/-q options are mutually ...
IF/IEXIST"..\..\..\..\..\RailWorks.exe" (echo"RW found. - All OK." )ELSE(echoExecute this script onlyinContent\Routes\--Routefolder--\Scenery\ !echoYou have started this scriptin%~dp0 )echo%~dp0ifNOTEXISTOLD (mdoldmove*.xml old\ )cdoldecho%~dp0pauserem We create this ...