setup.exe > gui box prompts you to goto control panel to configure system co mponents 安装程序(转到控制面板) setver.exe > set version for files 设置 ms-dos 子系统向程序报告的 ms-dos 版本 号 sfc.exe > system file checker test and check system files for integrity 系统 文件检查 s...
sethc.exe > set high contrast - changes colours and display mode logoff to set it back to normal 设置高对比 setreg.exe > shows the software publishing state key values 显示软件发布的国家语言 setup.exe > gui box prompts you to goto control panel to configure system components 安装程序(转到控...
close 中断与远程服务器的ftp会话(与open对应) open host[port] 建立指定ftp服务器连接,可指定连接端口 delete 删除远端主机中的文件 mdelete [remote-files] 删除一批文件 mkdir directory-name 在远端主机中建立目录 rename [from] [to] 改变远端主机中的文件名 rmdir directory-name 删除远端主机中的目录 status ...
To view the environmental variables, in Control Panel, open System, and then select the Advanced tab.Implicitly setting scripting variablesWhen you start sqlcmd with an option that has a related sqlcmd variable, the sqlcmd variable is set implicitly to the value that is specified by using the...
control.exe > Starts the control panel 控制面板 convert.exe > Convert File System to NTFS 转换文件系统到NTFS convlog.exe > Converts MS IIS log files 转换IIS日志文件格式到NCSA格式 cprofile.exe > Copy profiles 转换显示模式 cscript.exe > MS Windows Scripts Host Version 5.1 较本宿主版本 ...
cmd命令大全 开始→运行→CMD→键入以下命令即可: gpedit.msc---组策略 sndrec32---录音机 Nslookup---IP地址侦测器 explorer---打开资源管理器 logoff---注销命令 tsshutdn---60秒倒计时关机命令 lusrmgr.msc---本机用户和组 services.msc—本地服务设置 oobe/msoobe /a---检查XP是否激活 notepad---打开记...
setup.exe > gui box prompts you to goto control panel to configure system co mponents 安装程序(转到控制面板) setver.exe > set version for files 设置 ms-dos 子系统向程序报告的 ms-dos 版本 号 sfc.exe > system file checker test and check system files for integrity 系统 ...
How To Open Command Prompt? Open CMD Step 1:Click On The ‘Start’ Menu. Step 2:Type ‘CMD’ or ‘Command Prompt’ In the search box. Step 3:Click on The CMD as shown in the picture. Alternate: PressWindows Key + R,which will eventually open the Run window, where you need to ty...
40、o normal 设置高对比 setreg.exe > shows the software publishing state key values 显示软件发布的国 家语言 setup.exe > gui box prompts you to goto control panel to configure system co mponents 安装程序(转到控制面板) setver.exe > set version for files 设置 ms-dos 子系统向程序报告的 ms...
IOpenControlPanel 接口 IOpenSearchSource 接口 IOperationsProgressDialog 接口 IPackageDebugSettings 接口 IPackageExecutionStateChangeNotification 接口 IParentAndItem 接口 IParseAndCreateItem 接口 IPersistFolder 接口 IPersistFolder2 接口 IPersistFolder3 接口 IPersistIDList 接口 IPreviewHandler 接口 IPreviewHandler...