在更新 Redis、in-process cache 之前就获取 timestamp,这一步很关键。这里解释一下为什么要先获取 current timestamp 再进行更新:其根本目的是 slot、key 的 timestamp 就尽量提前。如果在 Get current timestamp 之前收到了 slot update message,那么我们的更新操作一定发生在其他进程的更新操作之后,没有毛病;如果...
| | runtime.goexit | | src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695 | Wraps: (3) raft closed timestamp regression in cmd: 4b63bc1ee646d3a6 (term: 15, index: 12955); batch state: 1733592555.232028581,0, command: 1733591991.888069441,0, lease: repl=(n1,s1):1 seq=15 start=1733592548.053662599,0 epo=...
self.alldata= [("timestamp","cpustatus")]#单次测试过程deftestprocess(self): cpuvalue=0 result= os.popen('adb shell "dumpsys meminfo | grep com.example.shineapp"')#双引号不能同时使用forlineinresult.readlines(): cpuvalue= line.split(":")[0] currenttime=self.getCurrentTime() self.alld...
{"app_name":"Dock","timestamp":"2024-11-22 11:04:09.00 +0000","app_version":"1.8","slice_uuid":"e1fda255-83b8-3c47-a57c-7a8a2b0f66b2","build_version":"2273.105.1","platform":1,"bundleID":"com.apple.dock","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":1,"bug_type":"309"...
fileTASKLISTList running applications and servicesTASKKILLRemove a running process from memoryTIMEDisplay or set the system time•TIMEOUTDelay processing of a batch fileTITLESet the window title for a CMD.EXE session•TLISTTask list with full pathTOUCHChange file timestampsTRACERTTrace route to ...
*/ "production": { "output": { "appCache": { "enable": true, "path": "cache.appcache" } }, "loader": { "cache": "${build.timestamp}" }, "cache": { "enable": true }, "compressor": { "type": "closure" } }, The Closure Compiler API provides three different levels of...
function # # entries-in-buffer/entries-written: 231316/448381 #P:6 # # _---=> irq / _---= | / _---=> hardirq/softir || / _--=> preempt-depth # ||| / delay # TIMESTAMP FUNCTION # | | ||| | | <idle>-0 [005]607.424217: hrtimer_start_range_ick_nohz_restart <idl-...
{29BYTE m_byType;//类型30BYTE m_byCode;//代码31USHORT m_usChecksum;//检验和32USHORT m_usID;//标识符33USHORT m_usSeq;//序号34ULONG m_ulTimeStamp;//时间戳(非标准ICMP头部)35};3637structPingReply38{39USHORT m_usSeq;40DWORD m_dwRoundTripTime;41DWORD m_dwBytes;42DWORD m_dwTTL;43}...
Does LastLogonTimestamp get updated when an ADFS authentication occurs Does the AD Object picker UI allow the user to select a Distribution group ? Does the value of dscorepropagationdata in AD mean it has communicated with the DC? Does Windows log a "Member removed" event for security grou...
IAMAsyncReaderTimestampScaling 介面 IAMAudioInputMixer 介面 IAMAudioRendererStats 介面 IAMBufferNegotiation 介面 IAMCameraControl 介面 IAMCertifiedOutputProtection 介面 IAMClockAdjust 介面 IAMClock一介面 IAMCopyCaptureFileProgress 介面 IAMCrossbar 介面 IAMDecoderCaps 介面 IAMDeviceRemoval 介面 IAMDevMemoryAlloc...