see, for example, that properties named debug.* can be updated by the "system" or "shell" user. (The mapping of system-recognized user IDs to numeric values can be found in android_filesystem_config.h.) Some properties, such as ro., persist., and ctl.*, have additional restrictions o...
find # Searches for a text string in a file or files. findstr # Searches for strings in files. for # Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files. format # Formats a disk for use with Windows. fsutil # Displays or configures the file system properties. ftype # Displays ...
withUsername public CmdkeySetupTypeProperties withUsername(Object username) Set the username property: The user name of data source access. Parameters: username - the username value to set. Returns: the CmdkeySetupTypeProperties object itself. Applies to Azure SDK for Java Preview...
For example, at the command prompt, type:sqlcmd -Q ":EXIT(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '%1')"The sqlcmd utility sends everything between the parentheses (()) to the server. If a system stored procedure selects a set and returns a value, only the selection is returned. The :EXIT() ...
overall system performance. Usetasklistandtaskkillto manage processes that use excessive memory. Usemsconfigto disable unnecessary startup programs and services that consume RAM. Usesysdm.cplto disable visual effects throughSystem Properties > Advanced > Settings(under Performance)> Adjust for best ...
The IShowPropertiesCmd interface is used to initialize the data contained in the ShowProperties command component, which displays FileNet Workplace Properties Java™ Server Pages (JSP) page to present the current item and system properties for a specified object store item to the user. Using thi...
Properties Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Wizards.DataRegion Microsoft.Reporting.Packaging.Internal Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Internal.Soap.ReportingServices2005.Execution Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataProcessing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagn...
管理员运行 1.打开项目的属性 2.选择“安全性”,勾选启用ClickOnce安全设置 3.然后会在Properties里自动生成 app.manifest 打开app.manifest中修改为如下配置...现在运行程序就会要求以管理员身份运行了。注意 尽管程序的默认用户账户控制是asInvoker,在以管理员身份运行的vs里对其他程序的调用也会以管理员身份(以当前...
Type the full path of the app you want to run as SYSTEM in the “Program” field, like: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exefor Command Prompt C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exefor PowerShell C:\Windows\regedit.exefor Registry Editor ...
当使用工作负载管理器 for Dynamic Domain Name Services Support (DDNS) 时,处理队列共享组的入站传输的 TCP 侦听器必须加入的组的名称。MQCA_DNS_GROUP仅在z/OS上有效。 MQCA_IGQ_USER_ID 组内排队用户标识。 此参数仅在z/OS上有效。 MQCA_LU_GROUP_NAME ...