FOR %%variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters] (set) 指定一个或一组文件。可以使用通配符。 command 指定对每个文件执行的命令。 command-parameters 为特定命令指定参数或命令行开关。 例如一个批处理文件中有一行: for %%c in (*.bat *.txt) do type %%c 则该命令行会显示当前目录下所有以ba...
collect them.intakeDefines();requireMod=getModule(makeModuleMap(null,relMap));//Store if map config should be applied to this require//call for dependencies.requireMod.skipMap=options.skipMap;requireMod.init(deps,callback,errback,{
echo Thanks for your call! echo Goodbye! 1. 2. 3. 4.
/stStartTime 以HH:MM:SS24 小时格式指定时间。默认值是命令完成时的当前本地时间。/st参数只对于 MINUTE、HOURLY、DAILY、WEEKLY、MONTHLY 和 ONCE 计划有效。它只对于 ONCE 计划是必需的。 /sdStartDate 以MM/DD/YYYY格式指定任务启动的日期。默认值是当前日期。/sd参数对于所有的计划有效,但只对于 ONCE 计划是...
0 Connect-AzAccount # Obtain an access token for key vaults. $keyVaultAccessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl # Pass the token to the cmdlet, so that it can use it to authenticate to Azure when decrypting data protected with Always...
The Releases page provides pre-built binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows. Homebrew For macOS, a homebrew tap is provided: brew install peak/tap/s5cmd Unofficial Releases (by Community) Warning These releases are maintained by the community. They might be out of date compared to the official...
# Connect to Azure account.Import-ModuleAz.Accounts-MinimumVersion2.2.0Connect-AzAccount# Obtain an access token for key vaults.$keyVaultAccessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl Pass the token to the cmdlet, so that it can use it to ...
for registry bootvrfy.exe -> 通报启动成功 cacls.exe -> 显示和编辑acl calc.exe -> 计算器 cdplayer.exe -> cd播放器 change.exe -> 与终端服务器相关的查询 charmap.exe -> 字符映射表 chglogon.exe -> 启动或停用会话记录 chgport.exe -> 改变端口(终端服务) chgusr.exe -> 改变用户(终端服务...
echo @echo Restore The Service Start State Saved At %TIME% %DATE% >"%FILENAME%" echo @pause >>"%FILENAME%" for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%j in (tmpsrv.txt) do @( sc qc %%j |findstr START_TYPE >tmpstype.txt && for /f "tokens=4 delims=:_ " %%s in ( tmpstype.txt) do...
*使用说明:如果磁盘剩余空间不足以存放系统文件,则提示:No roomfor on destination disk. (十)XCOPY——目录复制命令 1.功能:复制指定的目录和目录下的所有文件连同目录结构。 2.类型:外部命令 3.格式:XCOPY [源盘:]〈源路径名〉[目标盘符:][目标路径名][/S][/V][/Y] 4.使用说明: (1)XCOPY是COPY的...