/r [路径]:深度遍历指定路径下的所有文件,子目录中的文件也会被遍历到,如果没指定路径,默认当前路径 /l :当使用参数 /l 时,需结合(匹配符)一起使用,此时 () 括号内部的用法规则为:(start, step, end),此时的 for 命令作用等同于 java 语言中的 for 语句 /f :用于解析文件中的内容,本节不做介绍 批...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\EnableExtensions 到0x1 或 0x0。用户特定设置比机器设置有优先权。命令行开关比注册表设置有优先权。 命令行扩展包括对下列命令所做的更改和/或添加: DEL 或 ERASE COLOR CD 或 CHDIR MD 或 MKDIR PROMPT PUSHD POPD SET SETLOCAL ENDLOCAL IF FOR CALL SH...
Specify the name of a PowerShell variable that will be assigned the SQL Server run-time statistics when the cmdlet is executed. Common use for this parameter is to capture the ExecutionTime (the cumulative amount of time (in milliseconds) that the provider has spent processing the cmdlet), or...
Specify the name of a PowerShell variable that will be assigned the SQL Server run-time statistics when the cmdlet is executed. Common use for this parameter is to capture theExecutionTime(the cumulative amount of time (in milliseconds) that the provider has spent processing the cmdlet), orIdu...
context mssql" create Install/Create SQL Server, Azure SQL, and Tools delete Uninstall/Delete the current context help Help about any command open Open tools (e.g ADS) for current context query Run a query against the current context start Start current context stop Stop current context Flags...
六、可爱的循环`for`命令 七、打开程序的`start`命令 八、CMD下切换目录`cd`命令 九、创建文件夹的命令`md` 十、操作注册表`reg`命令 前言 什么是CMD?它有什么用??如何使用??? Windows命令提示符(cmd.exe)是 Windows NT 下的一个用于运行 Windows 控制面板程序或某些 DOS 程序的shell程序;或在 Windows CE...
:Connectserver_name[**\**instance_name] [-l timeout] [-U user_name [-P password]] Connects to an instance of SQL Server. Also closes the current connection. Time-out options: 0 wait forever n>0 wait for n seconds The SQLCMDSERVER scripting variable will reflect the current active conn...
@echo off rem get current date and time for /f "tokens=1, 2, 3, 4 delims=-/. " %%j in ('Date /T') do set FILENAME=srv_%%j_%%k_%%l_%%m for /f "tokens=1, 2 delims=: " %%j in ('TIME /T') do set FILENAME=%FILENAME%_%%j_%%k.bat rem get all service name ...