CMD Commands List, CMD stands for command, which is sometimes known as Command Prompt or Window Command Processor informally. In this article, we will go through some popular CMD commands.
Command Prompt is a part of all systems with a Windows NT-based operating system. The list of commands which are available in the command prompt is long however these commands and their availability may be different on different versions of Windows Operating Systems like Windows 7, Windows 8, ...
参考: 命令大全编辑 1. calc---启动计算器 2.certmgr.msc---证书管理实用程序 3.charmap---启动字符映射表5. chkdsk.exe---Chkdsk磁盘检查6. ciadv.msc---索引服务程序7. cleanmgr---垃圾整理8. cliconfg-...
To use multiple commands for<string>, separate them by the command separator&&. For example: &&&& If the directory path, files, or any information you supply contains spaces, you must use double quotation marks (") around the text, such as"Computer Name". For example: mkdir Test&&mkdir ...
autofmt.exe > 在启动过程中格式化进程 autolfn.exe > 使用长文件名格式 bootok.exe > boot acceptance application for registry bootvrfy.exe > 通报启动成功 cacls.exe > 显示和编辑acl calc.exe > 计算器 cdplayer.exe > cd播放器 change.exe > 与终端服务器相关的查询 ...
Without additional parameters, thecmdcommand shows the currentcmd.exeprogram version. Usecmdto run commands without affecting the current session. For example, to test a command and return to the current command interpreter session, use the/cparameter: ...
值得一提的是,Windows不像Linux 那样可以使非常自如的使用命令行,对比使用之后,就会发现Windows的命令行有点不人性化,用起来很不方便,但是有时候我们又不得不去使用cmd命令,为了方便大家学习和使用,我找来了较全的cmd命令集合,供大家学习和使用。因为有时候在网上找的命令不符合我们的使用目的。甚至还有不对的命令...
CMD命令即命令提示符,CMD是command的缩写,是在OS / 2 ,Win为基础的操作系统,包括Windows 2000和XP中,Vista中,和Server 2003 下的“MS-DOS方式”。中文版Windows XP中的命令提示符进一步提高了与DOS下操作命令的兼容性,用户可以在命令提示符直接输入中文调用文件。在9x系统下输入command就可以打开...
VSStandardEditorCommands VSStandardMenus VsTextMarker Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ProgressEstimation Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.ObjectExplorer Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Utility Microsoft.SqlServer...
exe) Date Diskcomp Diskcopy DiskPart Doskey MS-DOS subsystem commands Driverquery Echo Endlocal Eventcreate Eventquery.vbs Eventtriggers Exit Expand Fc Using filters Find Findstr Finger For Ftp Ftp subcommands Ftype Getmac Goto Gpresult Graftabl Help Helpctr Hostname If Ipconfig Ipseccmd Ipxroute ...