# 使用基础镜像FROMalpine:latest# 设置维护者信息LABELmaintainer="yourname@example.com"# 设置环境变量ENVMY_ENV_VAR=HelloWorld# 设置默认命令CMDecho"The environment variable is: $MY_ENV_VAR" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 在这个示例中,我们创建了一个基于 Alpine Linux 的简单 Docke...
方法,永久生效wmic ENVIRONMENT create name="【变量名】",username="<system>",VariableValue="【变量值】" 附一个系统代理切换脚本 @echo off if "%1" == "yes" set judge=true & goto yes if "%1" == "no" set judge=true & goto no if "%judge%" NEQ "true" goto auto exit /b :no ec...
1:for命令及变量 基本格式: FOR /参数 %variable IN (set) DO command [command_parameters] %variable:指定一个单一字母可替换的参数,如:%i ,而指定一个变量则用:%%i ,而调用变量时用:%i% ,变量是区分大小写的(%i 不等于 %I)。 批处理每次能处理的变量从%0—%9共10个,其中%0默认给批处理文件名使用,...
5 rem Make sure prerequisite environment variables areset ifnot"%JAVA_HOME%"==""gotogotJavaHome echo The JAVA_HOME environment variableisnot defined echo This environment variableisneeded to runthisprogram gotoend 你可能就明白了,问题出现在JAVA_HOME的设置不能到bin下,而是应该到D:\Program Files\Ja...
'setenv...', print os.environ['USER'] # show current shell variable value os.environ['USE...
/v:onEnables delayed environment variable expansion. /v:offDisables delayed environment variable expansion. <string>Specifies the command you want to carry out. /?Displays help at the command prompt. The following table lists valid hexadecimal digits that you can use as the values forand<f>: Ex...
/v:off : Disables delayed environment variable expansion. string : Specifies the command you want to carry out. /? : Displays help at the command prompt. Remarks Using multiple commands You can use multiple commands separated by the command separator && for string, but you must enclose them ...
@echo off setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X\bin" echo MySQL environment variable set successfully! pause 将上述脚本保存为 .bat 文件并运行,即可自动设置 mysql 环境变量。 参考链接 Windows 环境变量设置教程 MySQL 官方文档 希望以上信息对你有所帮助! 相关搜索: mysql cmd $...
export: The export command is a built-in utility of Linux Bash shell. It is used to ensure the environment variables and functions to be passed to child processes. It does not affect the existing environment variable. eval: The eval command concatenates the arguments into a single string, par...
For controlling the PATH environment variable, the Lisp variable *cmd-path* can be used: (let ((*cmd-path* (cons #p"~/.local/bin" *cmd-path*))) ...) Directories in *cmd-path* are prepended to PATH. This uses the same mechanism as *cmd-env*, so it also only works on Unix....