DisplayName DisplayName (Autodiscover) DisplayName (Find) DisplayName (FolderCreate and FolderUpdate) DisplayName (FolderSync) DisplayName (GetHierarchy) DisplayName (ResolveRecipients) DisplayName (Search...
DisplayCategoryAttribute DisplayNameDescriptionAttribute DisplayOrderAttribute DrawManager FileBasedBaseNode GetStringDelegate HierarchyNode HierarchyNode.NodeStateFlags HierarchyNodeContainer HierarchyNodeList HierarchyNodeListForXMLSerializer IPreloadable IScriptingOptions ISessionController ISqlToolsHiera...
wmic /namespace:\\root\securitycenter2 path antivirusproduct GET displayName,productState, pathToSignedProductExe 清理系统日志 WMIC命令的nteventlog选项还可以清除系统的日志记录,当你入侵了某个系统之后,这个命令可以帮助你掩盖攻击痕迹: wmic nteventlog where filename='[logfilename]’ cleareventlog wmic ...
The error messages are also output in the XML text stream in XML format. By using :XML ON, sqlcmd does not display informational messages.To set the XML mode to off, use the following command: :XML OFF.The GO command shouldn't appear before the :XML OFF command is issued, because ...
但是,如果此长度比 display_width 长,则输出会被截断。注意 使用-y 0 选项时要特别注意,因为根据返回的数据大小,此选项可能导致服务器和网络上出现严重性能问题。-Y fixed_length_type_display_width设置sqlcmd 脚本变量 SQLCMDMAXFIXEDTYPEWIDTH。 默认值为 0(无限制)。 它限制为以下数据类型返回的字符数:...
When you press CTRL+D or CTRL+F,cmdprocesses file and directory name completion. These key combination functions append a wildcard character tostring(that is, if one is not present), build a list of paths that match, and then display the first matching path. If none of the paths match,...
The DisplayName element is a required child element of the Folder element in GetHierarchy command responses that specifies the display name of
-y variable_length_type_display_width設定sqlcmd 指令碼變數 SQLCMDMAXVARTYPEWIDTH。 預設值為 256。 這會限制大型可變長度資料類型的傳回字元數:varchar(max) nvarchar(max) varbinary(max) xml 使用者定義資料類型 (UDT) text ntext imageUDT 可以是固定長度,這會隨著實作情況而不同。 如果固定長度 UDT 的...
accwiz.exe -> 辅助工具向导 acsetups.exe -> acs setup dcom server executable actmovie.exe -> 直接显示安装工具 append.exe -> 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据 arp.exe -> 显示和更改计算机的ip与硬件物理地址的对应...
Parameter Info; Display Parameter Info based on the current language. TOGGLEVISSPACE 105 View White Space; Toggle the visibility of white space characters. TOGGLECARETPASTEPOS 106 Paste Moves Caret; Toggle where the caret is positioned after a paste operation. COMPLETEWORD 107 Complete ...