If you're somewhere random on your I:\ drive, and you want to go to the root of your drive, you can use this command : cd i:\ If you're somewhere random on your I:\ drive, and you want to go to a specific folder on your drive, you can use this command : cd i:\path\t...
Mounting your current working directory to it allows you to run s5cmd as if it was installed in your system; docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/aws -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws peakcom/s5cmd <S3 operation> Build $ git clone https://github.com/peak/s5cmd && cd s5cmd $ docker build -t ...
I propose that when the go command loads that file, it first loads $GOROOT/go.env and then the user file. Any setting in the user file overwrites an equivalent setting in the $GOROOT/go.env, and the environment overwrites both (as always). ...
This command gets all drivers in the Surface driver category. PowerShell Copy $category = Get-CMCategory -Name "Surface" Get-CMDriver -Fast -AdministrativeCategory $category Parameters -AdministrativeCategory Specify an array of driver category objects. You can assign a driver to a category for ...
Set-CMTSStepRunCommandLine Set-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript Set-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence Set-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable Set-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr Set-CMTSStepSetVariable Set-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem Set-CMUpdateGroupDeployment Set-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem...
在kubernetes项目中,cmd/kubeadm/app/util/initsystem/initsystem_windows.go文件是用于在Windows操作系统上管理初始化系统的工具。 WindowsInitSystem是一个结构体,它定义了与Windows初始化系统相关的功能。主要方法和作用如下: EnableCommand:用于启用系统命令,允许通过命令行的方式执行系统操作。 ServiceStart:用于启动指定...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\AdminOpenCmd] @="Open CMD here admin" "Icon"="cmd.exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\AdminOpenCmd\command] @="PowerShell -windowstyle hidden -Command \"Start-Process cmd.exe...
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] deploying rgw bootstrap to ceph-mgr2 [ceph-mgr2][WARNIN] rgw keyring does not exist yet, creating one [ceph-mgr2][INFO ] Runningcommand: sudo ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-rgw --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw/ceph.keyring auth get-or...
root@ceph-mon1:/apps/#vim /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service [Unit] Description=Prometheus Server Documentation=https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/ After=network.target [Service] Restart=on-failure WorkingDirectory=/apps/prometheus/ ...
The simplify command Gofmt formats Go programs. It uses tabs for indentation and blanks for alignment. Alignment assumes that an editor is using a fixed-width font. Without an explicit path, it processes the standard input. Given a file, it operates on that file; given a directory, it oper...