DEL Delete one or more files DELPROF Delete user profiles DELTREE Delete a folder and all subfolders DevCon Device Manager Command Line Utility DIR Display a list of files and folders DIRUSE Display disk usage DISKPART Disk Administration DISKSHADOW Volume Shadow Copy Service DNSSTAT DNS Statistics...
C:\>net user newuser Password123 /add && net user newuser /active:yes The command completed successfully. The command completed successfully.
COMMAND.COM中的内部命令(根据内存的环境随时进驻内存) 以com为扩展名的可执行程序(由 直接载入内存) 以exe位扩展名的可执行程序(由 重定位后载入内存) 以bat位扩展名的批处理程序(由 解释分析,根据其内容按优先级顺序调用 第2,3,4,5种可执行程序,分析一行,执行一行,文件本身...
mm-分,ss-秒MEMUSAGEeq,ne,gt,lt,ge,le 内存使用量,单位为KBUSERNAMEeq,ne 用户名,格式为[domain\]userMODULESeq,neDLL名称SERVICESeq,ne 服务名称WINDOWTITLEeq,ne 窗口标题 说明---1)只有在应用筛选器的情况下,/IM切换才能使用通配符'*'。2)远程进程总是要强行(/F)终止。3)当指定远程机器时,不支持"W...
03 net user 用户账户管理利器 net user 命令用于显示或更改用户账号设置。它是管理用户账户的重要工具之一,可以用来创建新用户、修改用户属性、重置密码等。 01 基本语法 net user [options] 02 示例 列出所有用户账户: C:\>net user 创建新用户: C:\>net user newuser Password123 /add ...
using various commands, such as "diskpart" to manage disks and partitions, "format" to format disks and volumes, "chkdsk" to check and repair disk errors, and "devcon" to manage device drivers and hardware profiles. You can also use the "systeminfo" command to view system hardware ...
Remove-CMTSStepRunCommandLine Remove-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript Remove-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence Remove-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable Remove-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr Remove-CMTSStepSetVariable Remove-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem Remove-CMUpdateGroupDeployment Remove-CMUser Remove-CMUserAffinityFromDevice Remove...
command-parameters 为特定命令指定参数或命令行开关。 在批处理程序中使用 FOR 命令时,指定变量请使用 %%variable 而不要用 %variable。变量名称是区分大小写的,所以 %i 不同于 %I. 如果启用命令扩展,则会支持下列 FOR 命令的其他格式: FOR /D %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters] ...
Cls:Clears all text from the screen in the command line interface. Cmd:Allows you to begin a new CMD shell. Cmdkey:Manage your passwords and usernames. Cmstp:Allow you to uninstall or install a Connection Manager profile. Color:Changes the colors of the text and background in a Command ...
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="Remote Desktop - User Mode (TCP-In)" Disable Windows Firewall netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off You can use this command when troubleshooting to temporarily rule out the Windows Firewall. It will be enable on next restart or when...