而Linux中启动时可用“/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start”命令,注意启动者应具有管理员权限。 刚安装好的MySql包含一个含空密码的root帐户和一个匿名帐户,这是很大的安全隐患,对于一些重要的应用我们应将安全性尽可能提高,在这里应把匿名帐户删除、 root帐户设置密码,可用如下命令进行: usemysql; deletefrom User ...
也可以授予一些适当的权限,例如select,delete等等。 >grant select,delete,insert,alert,create,drop,update >on database_name.* >to rick identified by '123'; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1.4、删除用户 mysql>drop database testDB; //删除用户的数据库 删除账户及权限:>drop user...
Command-Line Format --config=file_name Type File name Default Value mcmd.conf, in the MCM installation directory Set the file from which to read configuration options. mcmd.conf in the installation directory of MySQL Cluster Manager is the first default location mcmd looks for the file. See...
false if success, true if error Reimplemented fromSql_cmd_repair_table. enum_sql_commandSql_cmd_alter_table_repair_partition::sql_command_code()const inlineoverridevirtual Return the command code for this statement. Reimplemented fromSql_cmd_repair_table....
1.使用cmd,切换到mysql的bin安装目录 2.输入命令:mysql -u root -p 3.输入密码 4.密码修改输入:set password for root@localhost=‘123456’; 修改密码的话,则依次执行以下命令行: use mysql update user set password=password(“new_pass”) whereuser=“root” // ‘new_pass’ 这里改为你要设置的...
1、找到路径后,打开终端,输入:cd/usr/local/mysql/bin/ 2、输入:sudo vim .bash_profile 回车执行,需要输入root用户密码。sudo是使用root用户修改环境变量文件。 3、输入i进入编辑模式,输入: export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin/ 然后esc退出insert状态,shift+: 输入:wq 保存退出。
$ vcgencmd commands commands="commands, set_logging, bootloader_config, bootloader_version, cache_flush, codec_enabled, get_mem, get_rsts, measure_clock, measure_temp, measure_volts, get_hvs_asserts, get_config, get_throttled, pmicrd, pmicwr, read_ring_osc, version, set_vll_dir, set_...
Version:5.0.18OS:Linux (Linux x86) Assigned to:Magnus BlåuddCPU Architecture:Any [17 Jan 2006 3:30] Andrew Donkin Description:When built from source without --without-readline, the 5.0.18 mysql command-line client saves its readline history in ~/.mysql_history.TMP but does not rename it...