I recently needed to find Windows 10 product key, but I don't want to use the command prompt (cmd) method. I wonder if there are other simpler ways, such as directly checking in the system settings, ... Open Command Prompt as an administrator. Type the following command an...
2.使用Win+R,输入regedit进入注册表,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor,右键新建,字符串值,名为AutoRun,右键修改,值为C:\cmd-alias.bat,保存退出。 3.重新打开CMD 尽情Enjoy]吧! 参考1 参考2 DOS(可先跳过) 记录一些感觉比较鸡肋的cmd命令,不枉我曾在茫茫网海遇到过这些命令。hhh 1....
2.使用Win+R,输入regedit进入注册表,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor,右键新建,字符串值,名为AutoRun,右键修改,值为C:\cmd-alias.bat,保存退出。 3.重新打开CMD 尽情Enjoy]吧! 参考1 参考2 DOS(可先跳过) 记录一些感觉比较鸡肋的cmd命令,不枉我曾在茫茫网海遇到过这些命令。hhh 1....
#C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe%ComSpec%# 返回用来启动当前的 Cmd.exe 的准确命令行%CMDCMDLINE%# 返回连接到用户主目录的本地工作站驱动器号%HOMEDRIVE%# 返回用户主目录的完整路径%HOMEPATH%# 返回用户的共享主目录的网络路径%HOMESHARE%# 返回验证当前登录会话的域控制器的名称%LOGONSERVER%# 返回计算机的名...
Windows Commands Command-Line Syntax Key Reference Commands by Server Role adprep append arp assoc at atmadm attrib auditpol autochk autoconv autofmt bcdboot bcdedit bdehdcfg bitsadmin bootcfg break cacls call cd certreq certutil change chcp chdir chglogon chgport chgusr chkdsk chkntfs choice cipher ...
Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows VistaCreates, lists, and deletes stored user names and passwords or credentials.For examples of how this command can be used, see Examples.SyntaxCopia cmdkey [{/add:<TargetName>|/generic:<TargetName>}] {/smartcard|/user:<UserName> [/pass:<...
COMMAND.COM中的内部命令(根据内存的环境随时进驻内存) 以com为扩展名的可执行程序(由command.com 直接载入内存) 以exe位扩展名的可执行程序(由command.com 重定位后载入内存) 以bat位扩展名的批处理程序(由command.com 解释分析,根据其内容按优先级顺序调用 ...
收录于合集#windows应用专题(二)17个 CMD命令:开始->运行->键入cmd或command(在命令行里可以看到系统版本、文件系统版本) appwiz.cpl:程序和功能 calc:启动计算器 certmgr.msc:证书管理实用程序 charmap:启动字符映射表 chkdsk.exe:Chkdsk磁盘检查(管理员身份运行命令提示符) ...
slmgr.vbs-ipk:(Product Key)安装产品密钥 slmgr.vbs-ato :激活Windows slmgr.vbs-cpky :从注册表中清除产品密钥(防止泄露引起的攻击) slmgr.vbs-ilc:(License file)安装许可证 slmgr.vbs-upk :卸载产品密钥 slmgr.vbs-skms:(name[ort])批量授权88.snippingtool:截图工具,支持无规则截图89.soundrecorder:录音机...
slmgr /ipk yourproductkey PressEnterto confirm. ClickOKon the Windows Script Host popup. Enter the command below to set your KMS activation server, replacingserveraddressin the command below with the actual address of the server you want to use for activation. Here's how tofind your server in...