Step 1. Press Windows + X keys to open the Windows settings list and select "Command Prompt (Admin)." Step 2. Type the following command to test the read/write speed of an SSD. winsat disk -drive c - You can change "C" to another drive letter you want to check. Wait for a whil...
ping命令用于测试与远程主机的网络连接。 PowerShell 中使用Test-NetConnection,可以提供更详细的信息,如端口开放状态、网络延迟等。 查看IP 配置: 在CMD 中,ipconfig显示本地计算机的网络配置。 在PowerShell 中,Get-NetIPAddress则返回更详细的 IP 地址信息。 查看网卡配置: ipconfig /all显示所有网络适配器的详细...
Typing speed test in terminal consoleterminalcommand-linetypingcursescmdterminal-basedhacktoberfestterminal-game UpdatedDec 23, 2024 Python dvershinin/lastversion Sponsor Star383 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Find the latest release version of an arbitrary project ...
The above command performs two s5cmd invocations; first, searches for files with test suffix and then creates a copy to local directory command for each matching file and finally, pipes in those into the run. Let's examine another usage instance, where we migrate files older than 30 days to...
Step 1: Launch CMD, the Command Prompt, or the Windows Terminal with Administrative Privileges. Search for it in the Start Search Box. Right-click the main listed result and choose "Run as Administrator."Step 2: Type in CHKDSK and press Enter. Windows will now examine your basic file ...
"command" : { "currentOp" : 1, "lsid" : { "id" : UUID("c15d93d9-d9f6-456e-8806-8d2f29dde493") }, "$db" : "admin" }, "numYields" : 0, "locks" : { }, "waitingForLock" : false, "lockStats" : { } } ], ...
1. find 基本语法参数如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 find[PATH][option][action]# 与时间有关的参数:-mtime n:n为数字,意思为在n天之前的“一天内”被更改过的文件;-mtime+n:列出在n天之前(不含n天本身)被更改过的文件名;-mtime-n:列出在n天之内(含n天本身)被更改过的文件名;-newer file:列出比fil...
Basic usage common in backup scenarios is as simple as: s3cmd sync /local/path/ s3://test-bucket/backup/ This command will find all files under /local/path directory and copy them to corresponding paths under s3://test-bucket/backup on the remote side. For example: /local/path/file1....
应该是先从 HELP 开始吧 help help /? <COMMAND> /? // 比如 dir /?Windows 的CMD是不区分大小...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES dd94131ba7cc ubuntu:12.04 "/bin/sh -c 'while t 23 seconds ago Up 21 seconds happy_morse 1. 2. 3. 要获取容器的输出信息,可以通过docker logs命令。 [root@MSJTVL-MJSP-A35 docker]# docker logs happy_morse ...