I searched TPU and i think i found the right bios regarding ram size/speed, but just to be safe i will post the data here so you can double check. Then i will have questions about the flashing itself. I did a lot of bios modding for R9 390, solving high power usage during...
<none> WLAN ID Interface Network Admission Control Radio Policy --- --- --- --- 14 int_4 Disabled All AP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Port Country Priority --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Ibiza 2 AIR-CAP2602I-A-K9 44:2b:03:9a:8a:73 default location ...
Conduits exist on the static translation slots and can be added with the conduit command or through the last parameter of the static command. The conduit command is the recommended method. The no conduit command removes the conduit you specify. ...