net use [devicename | *] [\computernamesharename[volume]] [password | *]] [/user:[domainname]username] [[/delete] | [/persistent:{yes | no}]] net use devicename [/home[password | *]] [/delete:{yes | no}] net use [/persistent:{yes | no}] 参数无键入不带参数的 net use 将...
Run Configuration Manager cmdlets from the Configuration Manager site drive, for example PS XYZ:\>. For more information, see getting started.ExamplesExample 1: Add a driver to a driver packagePowerShell Kopírovať PS XYZ:\>Add-CMDriverToDriverPackage -DriverName "Adaptec Embedded SCSI Host...
命令格式:Net use [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume]] [password|*]][/user:[domainname\]username][[/delete]| [/persistent:{yes | no}]] 有关参数说明: ·键入不带参数的Net use列出网络连接 ·devicename指定要连接到的资源名称或要断开的设备名称 ·\\computername\sharename服务...
(1)net localgroup love /add将名为love的本地组添加到本地用户帐号数据库 (2)net localgroup love显示love本地组中的用户 (16)Net Group 作用:在 Windows NT Server 域中添加、显示或更改全局组。 命令格式:net group groupname {/add [/comment:"text "] | /delete} [/domain] 参数介绍: (1)键入...
[/persistent:{yes | 例如:Net use f: \\GHQ\TEMP 将\\GHQ\TEMP 目录建立为 F 盘 Net use f: \GHQ\TEMP /delete 断开连接。 4、Net Time 作用:使计算机的时钟与另一台计算机或域的时间同步。命令格式:Net time [\\computername | /domain[:name]] [/set] 有关参数说明:·\\computername 要...
命令格式:Net use [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume]] [password|*]][/user:[domainname\]username][[/delete]| [/persistent:{yes | no}]] 有关参数说明: ·键入不带参数的Net use列出网络连接 ·devicename指定要连接到的资源名称或要断开的设备名称 ...
These shadow copies are persistent and can only be made by the system provider. If used without parameters, revert displays help at the command prompt. robocopy Copies file data from one location to another. route Displays and modifies the entries in the local IP routing table. If used ...
Syntax: net use (drive name)\OTHER-COMPUTER\SHARE/persistent.yes Example:net use /Persistent: Yes net use /Persistent: YesCopy NET USE simplifies the process of mapping network drives. You can create a mapped drive to a shared folder with this command. ...
Add this parameter to return an object that represents the item with which you're working. By default, this cmdlet may not generate any output. Expand table Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ...
命令格式:Net use [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume]] [password|*]][/user:[domainname\]username][[/delete]| [/persistent:{yes | no}]] 有关参数说明: ·键入不带参数的Net use列出网络连接 ·devicename指定要连接到的资源名称或要断开的设备名称 ...