ASB Bank is one of the largest banks in New Zealand with circa 1.5 million customers. CMC Markets CEO, Lord Peter Cruddas, commented: "We are delighted to be announcing this partnership with ASB Bank to deliver our market-leading white label technology. There is no higher endorsement of our...
CMC MARKETS于3月8日宣布与澳新银行(The Australia and New ZealandBanking Group Limited)成为合作伙伴,为澳新银行股票交易客户提供起市场领先的股票交易平台。这一交易将使CMC MARKETS成为全澳大利亚第二大股票交易商,其客户数量与交易执行数量均名列前茅。 该项举动表示着CMC MARKETS作为外汇、差价合约产品的行业领头...
CMC Markets review based on first-hand experience. Learn about the platform, pricing and overall user satisfaction from a real trader.
The company holds highly regarded regulatory licenses relevant for the U.K., Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, and Germany. CMC has received our highest ranking for regulation. CMC Markets is regulated by the FCA which, along with U.S. regulatory agencies (NFA and CFTC), is widely considered...
业务方面,CMC Markets近日更是宣布成为澳大利亚,澳新银行(The Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited)股票交易平台白标服务商,这项交易将使CMC Markets成为全澳大利亚第二大股票交易商,为银行集团超过50万个股票经纪客户提供优质服务。 CMC Markets会以白标形式为澳新银行提供股票交易平台,为客户提供先进的交易平...
Commission-based pricing: In 2022, CMC Markets launched a new pricing structure called FX Active, which charges a commission per trade on top of highly competitive spreads. Rolled out in the Southeast Asia region, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.K., FX Active is...
北京时间凌晨2点,法国大选第二轮投票结果揭晓, 39岁的亲欧中间党派候选人马克隆以65.5%对34.5%的绝对优势胜出离欧派的极右翼候选人勒庞, 成为法国最年轻的当选总统, 法国大选结果暂时缓解了由英国脱欧引发的欧盟不稳定局势。由于民选议员调查已经显示马克隆胜选预期,欧洲股市与欧元在上一周已经反映出强劲上行态势,欧...
CMC Markets - ways to trade CMC Markets allows customers to trade CFDs and Countdowns. CFD stands for contract for difference. It’s essentially a way to place bets on whether the value of an asset will rise or fall over a given timeframe. You enter a contract with a CFD broker, and...
电邮 访问中文网站,了解更多信息 投资衍生品具有很大风险,并不适用于所有投资者。损失可能超出您的初始投入资金。您并不拥有标的资产及其相关权益。我们建议您征询独立顾问的意见,确保您在交易前完全了解可能涉及的风险。本评论仅提供一般性信息,并没有考虑到您特定的目标,需求及财务状况。因...
1. 盈丰财资市场 盈丰财资市场(CMC markets)的市场分析师Ben Le Brun表示,我们发现的情况是一些空头头寸的平仓以及昨日暴跌的补仓,短…|基于155个网页 2. 加拿大盈丰财资市场 加拿大盈丰财资市场(CMC Markets)分析师Colin Cieszynski说,有迹象表明,苹果公司可能存在泡沫、不稳定性,但许多投 … ...