Of the iconic 1938 sports car. It is one of the most detailed and collectible models, made of high quality different metals ever produced, and a must-have for any fan of Alfa Romeo and classic cars. To the model More beautiful models coming... The...
当前规格: CMC-Classic Model Cars 阿尔法·罗密欧8C 1938勒芒赛 汽车模型全网比价 亚马逊海外购 最低 ¥2819.44 商品介绍 完善信息 CMC这台1938年 阿尔法·罗密欧8C 2900B跑车模型按1:18比例复制,精心复制内部及其赛车配件,由1577个单独部件手工组装而成,其中1244个部件使用了金属材料。跑车专为参加勒芒比赛...
CMC-Classic Model Cars是一家专注于高品质汽车模型制造的德国公司。其生产的阿尔法·罗密欧8C 2900B跑车模型是该公司的经典之作,按照1:18的比例精心复制。这款模型不仅在外形上精确还原了原车的细节,还在内部结构上进行了细致的复制,包括赛车配件等。整个模型由1577个独立部件组成,其中1244个部件采用...
Thousands of die cast collectibles and Slot Cars from Autoart, Minichamps, Spark, Bizarre, Carrera, Ninco, SCX, GMP plus Slot Car Tracks at replicarz.com Online Diecast Shop!
CMC/Classic Model Cars 1:18 1956年玛莎拉蒂300S骨架版 限量版(限量3000件). 亚马逊中国普通用户满300包邮,prime会员任意金额包邮。。 小降!CMC继鸟笼骨架出的另一款经典模型,车身细节出色,全球限量3000件,极具收藏价值。目前这款车模亚马逊海外购镇店
CMC/Classic Model Cars 1:18 1956年玛莎拉蒂300S骨架版 限量3000件新低1793元(Prime会员96折)|CMC继鸟笼骨架出的另一款经典模型,车身细节出色,全球限量3000件,极具收藏价值。目前这款车模亚马逊海外购秒杀价¥1867.37,Prime会员可在价格下方�O网页链接 k...
Thousands of die cast collectibles and Slot Cars from Autoart, Minichamps, Spark, Bizarre, Carrera, Ninco, SCX, GMP plus Slot Car Tracks at replicarz.com Online Diecast Shop!
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We are delivering within the EU-territory and to neighboring countries (See our list of countries). In addition to the prices quoted, for deliveries outside the EU we charge a delivery flat rate of 8.- Euro per order. The shipping costs are clearly communicated to you in the shopping cart...
Account holder: CMC Classic Model Car (HK) Limited Account number: 808-266183-838 Swift code: HSBCHKHHHKH Bank: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedMy Account Payment methods Revocation Policy Shipping & Delivery Shopping Cart Our newest Products CMC 30th Anniversary Ferrari 250...