Gems like Mirissa Fisheries Harbor and Kushtarajagala Statue will keep your feet moving and your adventurous spirit full. You’ll discover rewarding day trips a quick drive from the center of town. Visit Galle Fort first and if you have time, Unawatuna Beach. Like to see the sights of ...
What is not required to be provided on a streamline refinance that is required on a full documentation loan? And what are the likely consequences of this action? -FHA does not require a credit report on streamlines. --Employment and income do not need to be certified. --Also, a ...
Full Disclosure 第八章 其他规定 Chapter 8 – Other terms 第九章 释义 Chapter 9 - Definitions 附件 责任清单 Appendix: Liabilities TS/TS/TS/36861.0001/446600v1 3 招商信诺寰球至尊高端个人医疗保险条款 第一章 一般条款及规定 Chapter 1 - General Terms and Conditions 第一节 保险合同的说明 Policy ...
When concluding the policy, we have aware that the policyholder fails to perform the duty of truthful and full disclosure, we shall not terminate the policy; and shall pay insurance benefits for occurred events which are covered in the benefit coverage. 15.5 上述规定的保险合同解除权,自我方知道...
If the policyholder fails to pay the outstanding premium in full within the grace period, this Contract shall be terminated as of the date immediately after expiry of grace period. 第十条 明确说明和如实告知 Clause 10 Full Disclosure 一,订立本合同时,本公司应向投保人明确说明本合同的条款内容.对...
第九条 明确说明和如实告知 Clause 9 Full Disclosure 订立本合同时,本公司应向投保人明确说明本合同的条款内容.对保险条款中免除责任的条 款,本公司在订立合同时应当在投保单,保险单或者其他保险凭证上作出足以引起投保人注意 的提示,并对该条款的内容以书面或者口头形式向投保人作出明确说明,未作提示或者明确...
二,不属于赔偿范围的费用包括: .2 Benefit is not payable for refunding costs which 为完成索赔表所发生的费用或其他行政收费; are fees for filling in a claim form or other administration charge; 已由其他保险公司,其他人,组织或公共方案支付的费用.如被保险人或家属同时还向其他保 险公司投保...