vscode在windows下使用Ninja编译配置,使用Visual Studio编译环境。来源:CMakePresets.json 参考:在 Visual Studio 中使用 CMake 预设进行配置和生成 -- 示例 文件CMakePresets.json {"version":2,"configurePresets":[{"name":"base","displayName":"Basic Config","description":"Basic build using Ninja generato...
CMake Presets in the CMake Tools extension for Visual Studio Code The best resource to learn about CMake Presets integration in the CMake Tools extension is ourdocumentation. CMake Presets integration in the CMake Tools extension is still in preview. CMakePresets.json will be a recommended alt...
vscode template for C++ projects (Cross referenced by the blog, do not delete) - blog-vscode-template/CMakePresets.json at 4c8d2370ed423b2ff760089193270731fa9d2034 · KDABLabs/blog-vscode-template
CMake Tools Diagnostics { "os": "win32", "vscodeVersion": "1.84.2", "cmtVersion": "1.17.3", "configurations": [ { "folder": "c:\\tmp", "cmakeVersion": "3.27.6", "configured": true, "generator": "Ninja", "usesPresets": true, "compilers": {} } ], "cpptoolsIntegration":...
Are there any plans to match the functionality and make the target selection persistent for the session and also to be able to pass it with the ${command:cmake.tasksBuildCommand} command (see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cmake-tools/blob/main/docs/cmake-settings.md)? That would be...
{ "os": "win32", "vscodeVersion": "1.86.2", "cmtVersion": "1.17.16", "configurations": [ { "folder": "c:\\Users\\20204729\\Projects\\SAM-FMS\\fms-scheduler", "cmakeVersion": "3.28.3", "configured": true, "generator": "Ninja Multi-Config", "usesPresets": true, "compilers...
虽然不同的 IDE 或代码编辑器工具有提供一些自己的 CMake 初始化配置能力(如 Visual Studio Code 可通过 .vscode/settings.json 来配置一些默认值)但这都不是通用方案。每个人使用的开发工具都各要求。特别是开源项目,如果没有提供一套全平台对各类工具都支持的配置文件,这会让开发者在工程配置上就被劝退。所以...
microsoft / vscode-cmake-tools Public Notifications Fork 251 Star 859 Code Issues 490 Pull requests 13 Discussions Actions Projects 1 Wiki Security Insights New issue cmake tools' variants vs cmake's cmakepresets #2325 Open vadi2 opened this issue 14 days ago· 2 comments ...
I am checking this, but need some guidance, it would be necessary to update the reproduction, it seems that latest Conan 2.0.17 is addingtoolsetto the presets, still, it doesn't automatically work for me in VSCode, which seems the ultimate goal. ...
Brief Issue Summary I would like a way to inherit the environment from CMake presets when debugging using a launch.json file. As far as I can see, this is not yet supported in the current version v1.15.31. The scenario is that I have con...