在 Ubuntu 操作系统中,root 用户是具有最高权限的用户,可以执行对系统的所有操作。但是,在默认情况下...
Instead, set the path to vcpkg.cmake by using the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable in CMakePresets.json:JSON Másolás "cacheVariables": { "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE": { "value": "$env{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake", "type": "FILEPATH" } }, ...
set VCPKG_ROOT=C:\vcpkg step 2 cmake -S . --preset msvc-Release -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET:STRING=“x64-windows” step 3 cmake --build ./out/build/msvc-Release Result MSBuild version 17.4.1+9a89d02ff for .NET Framework Checking Build System Building Custom Rule C:/workspace...
Alonso Schaich提交于11个月前.Add cmake presets representing bootstrap-vcpkg.sh invokations (#1380) { "version":3, "configurePresets":[ { "name":"official", "hidden":true, "cacheVariables":{ "VCPKG_OFFICIAL_BUILD":true, "VCPKG_BASE_VERSION":"2023-09-15", ...
cmakepresets and binary cache. Contribute to jiayuehua/CMakeVcpkgManifest development by creating an account on GitHub.
我有一个CMake项目,它使用vcpkg.json来使用vcpkg,使用CMakePresets.json来设置CMake选项。 这是vcpkg.json: { "name": "myproj", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": [ "boost", "qt" ] } 这是CMakePresets.json: { "version": 3, "cmakeMinimumRequired": { "major": 3, "minor": 22,...
"toolchainFile": "$env{VCPKG_ROOT}\\scripts\\buildsystems\\vcpkg.cmake", "cacheVariables": { "VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET": "x64-windows", "BUILD_GUI": "ON", "WITH_QRENCODE": "OFF", "WITH_NATPMP": "OFF" } }, { "name": "vs2022-static", "displayName": "Build using 'Visual Studio...
We want to improve the discoverability of the disassemble action. That’s it for today! The full release notes arehere. And here are the main highlights of theprevious EAP builds: Support for vcpkg DOWNLOAD CLION EAP Your CLion team JetBrains The Drive to Develop...
Placing the onus on compiler vendors to provide the env in a more presets-friendly manner (other than batch scripts), such as preset JSONs. If Vcpkg providesvcpkg.cmaketo integrate into CMake, and VS provides a batch script and as of "recent" a PS module (Enter-VSDevShell), why not...