cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) project (demo) aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST) # 定义变量,存储当前目录下的所有源文件 add_executable(main ${SRC_LIST}) 1. 2. 3. 4. aux_source_directory()也存在弊端,它会把指定目录下的所有源文件都加进来,可能会加入一些我们 不需要的文件,此时我们可以使...
add_executable(testcjson testcjson.cpp) # 将库文件链接到可执行程序上(名字都是上面设置的,统一对应即可) target_link_libraries(testcjson jsoncpp ) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER gcc) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++) 3、内层CMakeLists.txt project(jsoncpp) aux_source_directory(. DIR_SRCS) add_library(jsonc...
aux_source_directory(./face srcs) file(GLOB_RECURSEfile_ui ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.ui) file(GLOB_RECURSEqml_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/QML/*.qml) set(qrc ./multiui.qrc) #指定输出目录 set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../bin) #生成可执行文件 add...
CMake Error: Error: generator : Visual Studio 17 2022 Does not match the generator used previously: Visual Studio 16 2019 Either remove the CMakeCache.txt file and CMakeFiles directory or choose a different binary directory. Exception: Unable to generate build files#98883 ...
Repository files navigation README CMake_files Example CMakeLists.txt files as well as .cmake files which can be put under a cmake directory to find a particular library. These are for instructional purposes only.About No description, website, or topics provided. Resources Readme Activity ...
it was build passed by esp-idf-v4.2. why so? Code:Select all 20240517 error: C:\Users\xzy\esp\esp-idf\blink> build Executing action: all (aliases: build) Running cmake in directory C:\Users\xzy\esp\esp-idf\blink\build Executing "cmake -G Ninja -DPYTHON_DEPS_CHECKED=1 -D...
opencv-3.2.0/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckIncludeFile.c:1:25: fatal error: sys/videoio.h: No such file or directory 使用这个命令编译通过 sudocmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCUDA_nppi_LIBRARY=true-DWITH_CUDA=OFF -DBUILD_TIFF=ON...
When the directory that contains non-project sources is located under the project root, you can alsomark itas library: right-click in the Project view and selectMark Directory As | Library Filesfrom the context menu. To use library files located outside the project root, you need to specify...
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" <path_to_your_source_directory> 其中<path_to_your_source_directory> 是您的CMakeLists.txt文件所在的目录路径。 3. 查看CMake的错误日志 如果CMake命令执行失败,它通常会输出详细的错误信息到控制台或错误日志文件中。仔细阅读这些错误信息,看看是否有关于缺失的...