Clion(Windows) can't find CMAKE_SH. I has got CMAKE_SH-NOTFOUND in Cmake/Cache. There is no one Russian symbol or spaces in paths. What I should check to find solution? My CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE is include(CMakeForceCompiler)
1. 确认 cmake 是否已经安装 要检查 cmake 是否已经安装在你的系统上,你可以尝试在终端运行以下命令: sh cmake --version 如果cmake 已经安装,这个命令会显示 cmake 的版本号。如果显示类似的错误 /bin/sh: 1: cmake: not found,则说明 cmake 没有安装。
SHELL building android@arm => j2v8cmake /bin/sh: 1: cmake: not found Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 18, in bex.execute_build(args) File "/j2v8/build_system/", line 322, in execute_build execut...
1.确认 cmake 是否已安装: 首先,确保cmake 已经安装在你的系统上。你可以使用以下命令检查: cmake --version 如果命令返回版本信息,则cmake 已经安装;如果没有输出任何信息或显示命令未找到,则需要安装它。 2.安装 cmake: 如果cmake 没有安装,可以通过 yum 安装它: sudo yum install cmake 3.检查脚本权限:...
command sh -c prebuild-install || cmake-js rebuild npm ERR! sh: cmake-js: command not found npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /Users/.../.npm/_logs/2021-03-31T09_48_36_996Z-debug.log Here I provide log file referenced above. Steps to ...
2.安装 cmake: 如果cmake 没有安装,可以通过 yum 安装它: sudo yum install cmake 3.检查脚本权限: 确保运行脚本的用户具有适当的权限。如果脚本需要root 权限才能运行,确保你以 root 用户身份运行它或使用 sudo。 4.检查脚本路径: 确认脚本路径是否正确。例如,确保/www/server/panel/install/ 是正确...
EasyClangComplete can't find my cmake. It's /usr/local/bin/cmake; installed via Homebrew. I guess that the root cause is that /usr/local/bin is not in PATH for Cocoa GUI apps. Using Homebrew for many people is the way of installing softw...
All the time Description Hello! I'm not sure who to turn to so I am trying my luck here. Overnight, our builds on EAS start to fail consistently due to a dependency oncmake-jsleading to/bin/sh: cmake-js: command not foundafteryarn install. Since I have been using the same image... line 121: cmake: command not found Linux检测远程服务器端口的几种方法 Nginx中autoindex的具体使用 linux终端操作快捷键 mysql出现ERROR : (2006, MySQL server has gone away) 原因和解决方案 docker容器映射的端口无法用firewalld防火墙管理的问题 windows宝塔面板报错INIT_CSRF_ERR mysql报错 InnoDB...