<< TBB_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << TBB_VERSION_MINOR << "." << TBB_VERSION_PATCH << "!" << std::endl; return 0; } windows11+powershell cmake .. PSD:\work\modern_cmake_work\ModernCMake\codes\oneAPI\oneTBB\info\info01\build>cmake..--Buildingfor:VisualStudio172022--SelectingWindow...
The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers. Code Coverage For detailed information about the code coverage, see thetest coverage report. Reviews Seethe guidelinefor information on the review process. A summary of reviews will appear here....
CMake: for Windows builds, defaults PROJ DLL to be just 'proj_${PROJ_MAJOR_VERSION}.dll' instead of "proj_${PROJ_MAJOR_VERSION}_${PROJ_MINOR_VERSION}.dll" This is configurable (for all platforms) by setting the new PROJ_OUTPUT_NAME Make Variable On MinGW, the APPEND_SOVERSION option...
我在顶级 CMakeLists.txt 中有一个简单的 find_package(pack 1.0.0 REQUIRED EXACT) 现在,我想给出一个特定的格式,如 MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH/TWEAK 并使用 find_package 设置这些变量。我怎样才能做到这一点?我阅读了有关 _MAJOR_VERSION 等的 cmake 文档,但无法获取有关我的特定场景的示例或详细信息:https://c...
CMakePackageConfigHelpers. Craig also mentioned in the presentation that you can have a so called API-version in the target's name. And that for example Qt does this (Qt5Core, which has the MAJOR number 5 in its target name).
> CMake have release 3.0 and 3.1 and we have some bad checks for cmake > major version when settings cmake policies in CMakeLists.txt. > > This fixes it, but it will be nice when we can drop support for > cmake-2.4 and loose a few lines of cmake code. ...
> >> major version when settings cmake policies in CMakeLists.txt. > >> > >> This fixes it, but it will be nice when we can drop support for > >> cmake-2.4 and loose a few lines of cmake code. > >> > >> cheers