# By appending the value to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${DLAF_INSTALL_PREFIX} .. # By appending the value to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${DLAF_INSTALL_PREFIX} .. # ... or by setting DLAF_DIR cmake -DDLAF_DIR="$DLAF_INSTALL...
1. 理解cmake_prefix_path或llvm_install_dir的作用 cmake_prefix_path:这是CMake用来查找包(如库、头文件等)的前缀路径。设置这个环境变量可以帮助CMake找到安装在非标准位置的软件包。 llvm_install_dir:这是一个特定于LLVM的环境变量,用于直接指定LLVM的安装目录。 2. 确定LLVM的安装位置 首先,你需要知道LLVM...
选自GitHub 机器之心编译 参与:蒋思源 AMD 最近宣布新的深度学习加速库 MIOpen 1.0 现已发布,该深度...
为了考虑项目的统一工程化管理选择使用 CMake + Conan,因为各平台下使用的工具链、 IDE 都不一样。
When --install prefix is not specified, the default static library installation address is set to ${BINARY}/staging cmake(feat):add default install prefix path to ${BINARY}/staging 3736d04 xiaoxiang781216 approved these changes Dec 21, 2024 View reviewed changes View details pengxiang...
cmake Clone and enter the wiiu sdl repo: $ git clone https://github.com/yawut/SDL.git $ cd SDL Prepare for the build: $ mkdir build && cd build Build: $ cmake ../ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$DEVKITPRO/wut/share/wut.toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$DEVKITPRO/portlibs/wii...
I found that when I move the install folder for a ROS2 workspace, and then source it, my ament_cmake packages are not being found by ros2 pkg list. Here is the workspace I'm using to reproduce this: src.zip. The workspace builds on the r...