在CMake命令行中指定所选的Generator: 在运行CMake命令时,可以使用-G选项来指定生成器。 例如,要生成适用于Visual Studio 2019的项目文件,你可以在命令行中运行: bash cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" 其中,-S .指定源代码目录为当前目录,-B build指定构建目录为build目录,-G "Visual...
cmake --build %BUILD_DIR% 生成hello.lib , 说明是 Release 类型,指定的-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE有效。 5. Ninja Multi-Config cmake 从 3.17 版本开始支持 ninja 的 multiconfig 方式的 generator,也就是-G Ninja Multi-Config参数。 使用例子:在 cmake configure 阶段不指定 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, 在 cmake --...
Cmake的生成器(Cmake Generator)负责为本地构建系统提供输入文件,我们知道,Cmake本身并不能直接编译链接和生成可执行文件,而是生成一些规则文件,编译系统再根据这些规则文件来进行真实的编译构建过程。 例如,在Linux系统下,Cmake命令会默认输出Makefile文件,而Makefile文件就是make构建所需要的输入文件,因此Linux系统上默...
cmake-generator-expressions(7) - CMake 3.24.0-rc2 Documentationcmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generator-expressions.7.html 有: CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.20 ) project( testprj ) file( GENERATE OUTPUT my.log CONTENT "PLATFORM_ID = $<PLATFORM_ID>" )...
> PRIVATE # Enable Address Sanitizer $<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:GNU,Clang>: $<$<VERSION_GREATER:${CMAKE_VERSION},3.12>: $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer> $<$<CONFIG:RelWithDebInfo>:-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer> ...
OpenWRT by default uses the Ninja generator, but some packages disable Ninja and use the default Unix Makefiles generator. This generator can be overridden in the user environment withCMAKE_GENERATOR. This patch explicitly sets the correct generator whenPKG_USE_NINJA:=0. ...
CMake Generator Expressions In the world of compilers an expression is something that needs to be evaluated. For example, consider the following C++ line involving three variables a, b and c: a = b + c; This is an assignment statement that involves an expression b + c on the right-hand...
原因在于版本不统一,之前编译过CMakeLists.txt后,产生了缓存文件CMakeCache.txt, 解决方案:删除CMakeCache.txt文件,解决。 rm -f `find -name CMakeCache.txt`
cmake-generator-expressions(7) - CMake 3.22.0-rc1 Documentationcmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generator-expressions.7.html#manual:cmake-generator-expressions(7) 有时需要查看生成表达式的信息,官网的建议为: 这里给出一种解决方案: ...