以前在cmake中要判断一个编译器是否支持C++11挺麻烦的,要根据编译器的类型和版本来判断。 从cmake 3.1版本开始增加了一个CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES变量用于获取当前C++ 编译器支持的编译特性列表,列表中是一些定义在CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES(C++已知特性)中的特性名字,比如cxx_lambdas即为当前编译器支持lambda表达式。
Compiling a cmake project using the COMPILE_FEATURES property (eg c++11) on the macos image (clang 4.0.1) leads to this kind of error: 2019-05-12T09:10:30.9991860Z -- The C compiler identification is Clang 4.0.1 2019-05-12T09:10:31.1369530Z -- The CXX compiler identification is ...
if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) endif() For project consuming the latest release of fmt via add_subdirectory like seen here who also use the modern target_compile_features-based approach to enable a specific language standard like C++17 have their builds broken by ...
Now that we're targeting platforms with cmake-3.16+ available, we should use target_compile_features with cxx_std_## instead of set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD ##). Using target_compile_features helps downstream packages to identify the minimum s...
D:\mongodb 为mongodb安装根目录 在D:\mongodb\data下新建文件夹log(存放日志文件)并且在里面新建...