ubuntu clion新建cuda工程 No CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER could be found,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
I'm attempting to set up a CI to test compilation (no GPU, so it won't actually run the CUDA code, but I can run it serially using Thrust to get decent test coverage). I'm using Github Actions on Ubuntu 16.04 with your docker image: nvid...
Prerequisites Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue. I am running the latest code. Development is very rapid so there are no tagged versions as of now. I carefully followed the README.md. I searche...
# 安装CMake(以Ubuntu 18.04为例,14.04可能需要从源码编译或查找合适的包) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cmake # 或者,从CMake官网下载最新版本并安装 对于Ubuntu 14.04,可能需要从CMake的官方网站下载并手动安装最新版本。 5. 确认已安装OpenCV,版本兼容2.4及3.x 要检查OpenCV是否已安装以及安装...
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 Python Version (if applicable): Tensorflow Version (if applicable): PyTorch Version (if applicable): Baremetal or Container (if so, version): Docker 23.0.5 Steps To Reproduce git checkout 8.4.1 Fix GPG key issue - Change ubuntu-cross-aarch64.Dockerfile by rep...
@SpaceViewon ubuntu, I add set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER "/usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin/nvcc") solved this pro ! thanks yes nvcc should be in the path seems. with cuda 9.2 as in the CI environment this is not a problem as nvcc is added to the path. ...
environment: CUDA 10.1 Ubuntu 16.04 TensorRT 5.1.5 I pulled the code today and try build, this error got again: -- The CUDA compiler identification is unknown CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:582 (enable_language): No CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER co...