对于 Python 解释器,可以通过将PYTHON_LIBRARY和PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR选项通过-D选项传递给 CLI 来强制 CMake 在特定目录中查找。这些选项指定以下内容: PYTHON_LIBRARY,Python 库的路径 PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR,Python.h所在的路径 这确保将选择所需的 Python 版本。 有时需要将-D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE、-D PYTHON_LIBRARY和...
#工程名字project(Camera_sugan)#编译最低cmake版本cmake_minimum_required(VERSION2.6)#设置c++编译器set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")#在整个电脑上找opencv包find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)#包含头文件路径include_directories( ./include/inudev/ ./src/ )#将所有的源文件列为一个集...
对于modern cmake:首先会根据相对路径或环境变量来寻找相应的头文件、库文件等,然后生成伪目标(IMPORTED target),配置它的 INTERFACE 属性,从而可以被其它 target 直接调用,同时也会维护例如Abc_FOUND等基本的变量; 对于早期 CMake 的配置文件,则非常简单粗暴,将所有的信息通过Abc_FOUND、Abc_INCLUDE_DIRS、Abc_LIBRAR...
aux_source_directory (. SRC_LIST):把当前目录的源文件:main.c test1.c test2.c都放到变量SRC_LIST里面去。 include_directories (../include):把include目录的头文件包含进来。 set (EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin):这里面的EXECUTABLE_OUT_PATH和PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR是CMake自带的预定义...
include_directories(lib) # 查找目录下的所有源文件 # 并将名称保存到 DIR_SRCS 变量 aux_source_directory(. DIR_SRCS) #打印出DIR_SRCS变量用于调试 Message("DIR_SRCS = ${DIR_SRCS}") #指定生成可执行文件的源文件 add_executable(Demo ${DIR_SRCS}) ...
Regex in CMake install command cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(foo) install( DIRECTORY "./src" DESTINATION "include/foo" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.hpp" ) component For CMake's “install” command, what can the COMPONENT argument do?
In the above example, the CMakeLists.txt file is used to define a project named “MyProject”. It adds source files, specifies include directories, links libraries, sets compiler options, and sets the C++ standard. Conclusion The error “The source directory ‘/geelyapp/mysql’ does not appe...
1.For a static library, the actual code is extracted from the library by the linker and used to buildthe finalexecutable at the point you compile/build your application. 2.Each process gets its own copy of the code and data. Where as in case of dynamic libraries it is only code shared...
target will be included in the parent project build system to satisfy the dependency. 第二CMakeLists.txt内容分析: --aux_source_directory (. SRC_LIST):把当前目录的源文件:main.c test1.c test2.c都放到变量SRC_LIST里面去。 --include_directories (../include):把include目录的头文件包含进来。