/usr/bin/c++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindCUDA.cmake:488 (message): Specify CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR Call Stack (most recent call first...
4.configure完成后,在Search框内输入CUDA和fast,勾选三个配置 : WITH_CUDA 、OPENCV_DNN_CUDA、ENABLE_FAST_MATH,要按顺序进行 勾选WITH CUDA,如果要应用opencv的sift算法,则还需要将OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE勾选上: 绿框是要特别注意勾选和修改。TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR是本机当前配置环境下的cuda版本目录。 5.search...
As mentioned in #472, the variable, CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR doesn't get set for Linux users using cmake even though it does find Cuda. On Linux ( Ubuntu 14.04.1 ) this variable doesn't get automatically set during installation of Cuda ( like i...
There are too many factors involved in making an automatic decision in the presence of multiple CUDA Toolkits being installed. In this situation, users are encouraged to either (1) set ``CUDAToolkit_ROOT`` or (2) ensure that the correct ``nvcc`` executable shows up in ``$PATH...
-- Found CUDAToolkit: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.6/include (found version "11.6.124") -- my_import_targets=CUDA::toolkit;CUDA::cuda_driver;CUDA::cudart;CUDA::cudart_static;CUDA::cudart_static_deps;CUDA::cublasLt;CUDA::cublas;CUDA::cufft;CUDA::curand;CUDA::cu...
很多像 Qt、CUDA Toolkit、LLVM 一类的大型软件,构建一次就要一个小时甚至几天,不太可能翻来覆去从源码编译。所以一般会在系统的层面安装一次预构建二进制,然后在 CMake 中指定这些软件的安装位置。 不过所幸这些软件的安装位置往往比较固定。比如 Linux 或者 macOS 选手可能直接用 apt、homebrew 这些系统级包管理器...
find_library(CUDA_NVTX_LIBRARY NAMES nvToolsExt nvTools nvtoolsext nvtools nvtx NVTX PATHS ${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR} ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATH_SUFFIXES "lib64" "common/lib64" "common/lib" "lib" DOC "Location of the CUDA Toolkit Extension (NVTX) library" NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) and this is mis...