在CMake 中,您可以使用set_target_properties命令来指定库的输出名称和输出路径。例如,以下命令将输出名称设置为my_lib,将静态库的输出路径设置为${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib: set_target_properties(my_lib PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "my_lib" ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib" ) 1. 2. 3. ...
if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") if(APPLE) set(_toolset "darwin") else() set(_toolset "gcc") endif() elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES ".*Clang") set(_toolset "clang") elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") if(APPLE) set(_toolset "intel-darwin") else() set...
I . CMake 引入动态库与静态库区别 1 . CMake 引入静态库 : 使用add_library() 导入静态库 , set_target_properties() 设置静态库路径 ; 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 引入静态库 # ① 参数 1 ( add ) : 设置引入的静态库名称 # ② 参数 2 ( SHARED ) : 设置引入的函数库类型 :① 静态库 STATIC...
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS 1) add_executableCannot find source file Cmake can't find source files where they exists When should I quote CMake variables? set(_my_text "A B C")withmessage("${_my_text}")would give A B C set(_my_list A B C)withmessage("${_my_list}")would giv...
-i Run in wizard mode. cmake 2.8.6 Last change: June 17, 2014 2 User Commands cmake(1) Wizard mode runs cmake interactively without a GUI. The user is prompted to answer questions about the project configuration. The answers are used to set cmake cache values. -L[A][H] List non...
A tree view shows CMakeLists.txt, under which are two items: add_executable and set. Set is checked. The preview window shows where changes will be made. The line set (PROJECT_SRC "CmakeProject4.cpp" "CMakeProject4.h" shows "Demo.cpp" highlighted before the closing parenthesis. The ...
CMakeGraphVizOptions.cmakeformore.--system-information[file]=Dump information aboutthissystem.--log-level=<ERROR|WARNING|NOTICE|STATUS|VERBOSE|DEBUG|TRACE>=Set the verbosityofmessagesfromCMake files.--loglevel is also acceptedforbackward compatibility reasons.--log-context=Prepend log messageswithcontext...
I do not want to change it. It just does not get set during the cmake command. I was just running cmake .., but I realised that the variables were just empty afterwards. So if you run cmake .., the resulting cmake files have this variable empty, while they are not in the relio...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30) project(MyProject CXX) add_executable(MyExecutable main.cpp) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) (2)变量和缓存 CMake 使用变量来存储和传递信息,分为普通变量和缓存变量,缓存变量存储在 CMake 的缓存文件中,用户可以在 CMake 配置时修改这些值。缓存变量通常用于用户输入的设置...
# Generated sourcesset(dev_proto_srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/DeviceData.pb.cc")set(dev_proto_hdrs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/DeviceData.pb.h")set(dev_grpc_srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/DeviceData.grpc.pb.cc")set(dev_grpc_hdrs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/DeviceData...