使用以下内容在“helloworld”目录中创建CMakeUserPresets.json文件: JSON复制 {"version":2,"configurePresets": [ {"name":"default","inherits":"vcpkg","environment": {"VCPKG_ROOT":"<path to vcpkg>"} } ] } 此CMakePresets.json文件包含适用于 CMake 的单个“vcpkg”预设并设置CMAKE_TOOLCHA...
安装CMake Tools extension for VS Code. 安装Test Explorer UI 安装C++ TestMate 环境配置 参考官方教程: CMake Tools for Visual Studio Code documentation vscode给cmake命令传递参数有两种方式。 在vscode工程的settings.json添加对应的参数 配置cmake-presets来传递参数 ...
Additionally, you can toggle the presets visibility across the side bar and status bar via the CMake Status Bar Visibility options through“workflow”,“workflowPreset”, and“packagePreset”settings. To learn more about the supported visibility options, pl...
CMake Presets integration in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code is still in preview. We’ll continue to add to our integration and address your feedback in future release of Visual Studio and the CMake Tools extension for VS Code.
CMakePresets.json受 CMake 直接支援,可用來從 Visual Studio、VS Code、在持續整合管線中,以及從 Windows、Linux 和 Mac 的命令列驅動 CMake 產生和建置。 如需CMakePresets.json的詳細資訊,請參閱使用 CMake 預設設定和建置。 如果您維護使用CMakeSettings.json檔案進行 CMake 組建組態 的專案,Visual Studio ...
CMakePresets.json is supported directly by CMake and can be used to drive CMake generation and build from Visual Studio, from VS Code, in a Continuous Integration pipeline, and from the command line on Windows, Linux, and Mac. For more information on CMakePresets.json, see Configure and ...
不过麻烦就麻烦在这里,CMakePresets.json是CMake 3.20引入的,是个相对较新的功能,Visual Studio 2019并没有一开始就对接这个配置文件,而是使用自己设计的CMakeSettings.json文件作为CMake构建项目的配置。目前,这两种配置文件Visual Studio 2019都支持,但是更推荐使用CMakePresets.json,因为更加标准化,符合CMake的规范,...
CMakePresets.json is supported directly by CMake and can be used to drive CMake generation and build from Visual Studio, from VS Code, in a Continuous Integration pipeline, and from the command line on Windows, Linux, and Mac. For more information on CMakePresets.json, see Configure and ...
不过麻烦就麻烦在这里,CMakePresets.json是CMake 3.20引入的,是个相对较新的功能,Visual Studio 2019并没有一开始就对接这个配置文件,而是使用自己设计的CMakeSettings.json文件作为CMake构建项目的配置。目前,这两种配置文件Visual Studio 2019都支持,但是更推荐使用CMakePresets.json,因为更加标准化,符合CMake的规范,...