AUTOGEN: No valid Qt version foundfortarget opencv_opencl. AUTOMOC, AUTOUIC and AUTORCC disabled. Consider adding: find_package(Qt<QTVERSION>COMPONENTS Widgets) to your CMakeLists.txt file. This warningisforproject developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. CMake Error at AppNLP/CMakeLists.tx...
ubuntu 上安装 Qt Desktop 版本后,配置工程时提示 "No CMake configuration found!" 这是因为缺少cmake,安装cmake 及 libgl-dev sudo apt install cmake sudo apt install libgl-dev 1. 2.
I looked for the install directory of Qt,C:\.conan\179b29\1, and then Iindeedfound what I want in its install directory. Forqt6_wrap_cpp, I found it inQt6CoreMacros.cmakeabout 188~231 line. C:\.conan\179b29\1\lib\cmake\Qt6Core\Qt6CoreMacros.cmake Forqt6_wrap_ui, I found...
No CMake configuration for build type "Debug" found.(1) 最新评论 1. Re::-1: error: CMake project configuration failed. No CMake configuration for build type "Debug" found. 我的本身就是Qt自带的呢,换不了哦 ,还是会报错 --猪猪猪猪侠...
The following error occured: There's no QT version assigned to this project for platform Win32.Please use the 'change QT version' feature and choose a valid QT version for this platform. 解决办法:多数...error MSB3411: Could not l oad the Visual C++ component “VCBuild.exe” 使用npm构建...
PCL 使用常见错误 (QT) (CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) 然后出现: Starting ...Noexecutablespecified.这样的...头文件放在.h文件中,出现: 但是放在.cpp文件的话: 真是见鬼了,经常遇到这样的问题,有一次一不小心解决了,但是不知道怎么解决的。这个问题参考:...
Qt5 Cmake配置 :CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:3 (project):NoCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found. 在网上看了很多帖子,但是都没有解决这个问题,最后解决方案: 左上角Qt Creator —>偏好设置--->下拉选择合适的编译器
-fix #13081: support OBJECT libraries in CodeBlocks/QtCreator projects CodeBlocks: improve support for OBJECT libraries fix #13195: avoid multiple mentions of found packages FeatureSummary.cmake: nicer formatting -strip trailing whitespace make default install component name configurable ...
开发Qt应用程序的时候,虽然有Qt Creator可以使用,甚至Qt Creator还可以直接导入CMake工程,但是其调试和...
pi_check_modules(module1 [module2 ...])Let module name to upper and make valid_FOUND,_INCLUDES,_LIBRARIES,_DEFINITIONS. pi_report_modules(module1 [module2 ...])Report packages information summary. 变量名变量说明 PROJECT_NAME返回通过PROJECT指令定义的项目名称 ...