CMake Error at /opt/android-sdk/cmake/3.6.4111459/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:61 (message): The C compiler"/opt/android-sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang"is not able to compile a simpletestprogram. It fails with the following output: ...
你会遇见恼人的错误: CMake Error at /opt/packman/cmake/3.2.1/share/cmake-3.2/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:138 (message): Could NOT find Armadillo (missing: ARMADILLO_LIBRARY ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR) Call Stack (most recent call first): /opt/packman/cmake/3.2.1/share/cmake-3....
代码语言:javascript 复制 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) project(NoInSource CXX) if(PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL PROJECT_BINARY_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are not allowed") endif() message("Build successful!") 如果Kitware(CMake 背后的公司)正式支持CMAKE_DISABLE_SOURCE_CHAN...
如何保存faultLogger 如何存储文件才不会跟随app卸载而删除 通过fs.openSync获得的fd,传递到C侧调close后,ArkTS侧fs.closeSync是不是不用调了 如何校验文件一致性 文件路径fd和internal的区别是什么 使用request.uploadFile上传文件后,没有回调可以获取到服务器返回的message信息,不能明确知道文件是否上传成功 ...
#MESSAGE(STATUS|SEND_ERROR|FATAL_ERROR "AAAA")#STATUS 输出信息类似printf#SEND_ERROR 产生错误 生成过程终止#FATAL_ERROR 立即终止所有cmake过程set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "/usr/bin/cc") # 指定 C 编译器set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/usr/bin/c++") # 指定C++编译器set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fPIC") # 编译C...
Following up on this; I've done some more testing and have found the cause of the above error happening again. This time it does not appear to be the same cause as the last time, but this does look to be a potential new bug. This new cause for this error message appears to be ba...
i get following message bash: /opt/cmake/bin/cmake: No such file or directoryPosted by: atraya onDec 24, 2011 @atraya:that means cmake was not installed properly at that location ... are you sure you followed the instructions and did not see any error messages at...
cmake(1) issues an error message. Output Artifacts The buildsystem targets created by the add_library() and add_exe- cutable() commands create rules to create binary outputs. The exact output location of the binaries can only be determined at generate-time because it can depend on the ...
如何保存faultLogger 如何存储文件才不会跟随app卸载而删除 通过fs.openSync获得的fd,传递到C侧调close后,ArkTS侧fs.closeSync是不是不用调了 如何校验文件一致性 文件路径fd和internal的区别是什么 使用request.uploadFile上传文件后,没有回调可以获取到服务器返回的message信息,不能明确知道文件是否上传成功 ...
cmake/Summary.cmake:定义了4个打印函数,用来打印Caffe的一些信息,执行CMake时会在终端输出,相比于散落在各个地方的message()语句会更加系统一些 cmake/ConfigGen.cmake: 整个caffe编译好之后,如果别的项目要用它,那它也应该用cmake脚本提供配置信息。