root@fanpf-VirtualBox:~/github/cppzmq/build# ^C root@fanpf-VirtualBox:~/github/cppzmq/build# cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/cppzmq -- Detected CPPZMQ Version - 4.9.0 -- CMake libzmq package not found, trying again with pkg-config (normal install of zeromq) -- cpp...
-- package 'libzmq' not found -- Looking for event_init in event -- Looking for event_init in event - not found -- checking for module 'msgpack' -- package 'msgpack' not found -- Looking for msgpack_version in msgpack -- Looking for msgpack_version in msgpack - not found -- Perfor...
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: libzmq I should note that the statically linked library still works great. As of now, my code is as follows...
if(NOT ${CMAKE_C_PLATFORM_ID} STREQUAL "Windows")find_library(ZeroMQ_LIBRARIESNAMESzmqHINTS${_ZeroMQ_ROOT}/lib${_ZeroMQ_ROOT}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu)else()find_library(ZeroMQ_LIBRARIESNAMESlibzmq"libzmq-mt-${ZeroMQ_VERSION_MAJOR}_${ZeroMQ_VERSION_MINOR}_${ZeroMQ_VERSION_PATCH}""libzmq...
find_package(libzmq REQUIRED) IF (LIBZMQ_FOUND) include_directories(${LIBZMQ_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND MORE_LIBRARIES ${LIBZMQ_LIBRARIES}) set(pkg_config_libs_private "${pkg_config_libs_private} -lzmq") ELSE (LIBZMQ_FOUND) message( FATAL_ERROR "libzmq not found." ) ENDIF (LIBZMQ_FOUND)...
find_package (Sodium) if (SODIUM_FOUND) message (STATUS "Using libsodium for CURVE security") include_directories (${SODIUM_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # On Solaris, libsodium depends on libssp if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "SunOS") target_link_libraries (libzmq ssp) endif () set (ZM...
include(FindPkgConfig) # 或者使用 find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED QUIET) # 检查包并使用第一个可用包 pkg_search_module( ZeroMQ REQUIRED libzeromq libzmq lib0mq ) # 判断是否找到 if(TARGET PkgConfig::ZeroMQ) message(STATUS "Found ZeroMQ") ...
find_package来查找并加载来自外部项目的设置 find_path来查找包含指定文件的目录 find_program来查找一个程序 你可以使用--help-command命令行开关来打印任何 CMake 内置命令的文档到屏幕上。 检测Python 解释器 本食谱的代码可在找到。该食谱适用...
$ sudo apt-get install pkg-config libzmq3-dev doxygen graphviz-dev uuid-dev 在macOS 上,我们建议使用 Brew 安装: $ brew install ossp-uuid pkg-config zeromq doxygen pkg-config程序和 UUID 库仅在类 Unix 系统上可用。 在Windows 上,使用 MSYS2 环境,这些依赖项可以按如下方式安装(假设是 64 位版...