One or more groups of properties may be specified in a single call to the TARGETS form of this command. A target may be installed more than once to different locations. Consider hypothetical targets myExe, mySharedLib, and myStaticLib. The code: install(TARGETS myExe mySharedLib myStaticLib...
请参阅install(DIRECTORY)命令以获取权限,FILES_MATCHING,PATTERN,REGEX和EXCLUDE选项的文档。即使使用选项来选择文件的子集,复制目录也会保留其内容的结构。 INSTALL与COPY略有不同:它打印状态消息(取决于CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE变量),并且默认为NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS。 install()命令生成的安装脚本使用此签名(以及一些未...
View CMakeCache.txt opens the CMakeCache.txt file from the build directory in the editor. Any edits you make here to CMakeCache.txt are wiped out if you clean the cache. To make changes that persist after you clean the cache, see Customize CMake settings or Configure and build with C...
如在cmakelist.txt里写如下函数就自定义了一个copy共享库的自定义命令。 function(cpy_dlls_to_target targe) foreach (DFILE ${ARGN}) message("dll: " ${DFILE}) add_custom_command(TARGET ${targe} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${DFILE}" $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${t...
(MSVC)# clang-cl sets differentdefaultwarnings than clang.It also treats-Wall #as-Weverything,to matchMSVC.Instead-W3is the aliasfor-Wall.@@-238,8+238,8@@elseif(MSVC)${MSVC_DISABLED_WARNINGS_LIST})string(REPLACE"C"" -w4"MSVC_LEVEL4_WARNINGS_STR${MSVC_LEVEL4_WARNINGS_LIST})-set(C...
clion CMake Error:different than the directory..where was created. being created in the wrong place.,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
{MKL_LIB}" DIRECTORY) if(IS_DIRECTORY "${MKL_LINK_DIR}") target_link_directories(caffe2::mkl INTERFACE "${MKL_LINK_DIR}") endif() endif() endforeach() # TODO: This is a hack, it will not pick up architecture dependent # MKL libraries correctly; see
And then invoke the macro after the target install() directive.. The only requirement then is that you detect and specify the: Path to applocal.ps1: VCPKG_APPLOCAL Root directory of the vcpkg triplet: VCPKG_INSTALL_ROOT Hope this helps anyone having a similar problem. ️2 johannesstricker...
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different $<TARGET_FILE:Qt5::Core> $<TARGET_FILE:Qt5::Widgets> ... etc ... 打印CMake表达式的值 add_custom_command(TARGET Test POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Runtime Dlls: $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:Test>") add_custom_command(TARGET...
CMake released support forConfigure Presetsin CMake 3.19. Our team at Microsoft contributed support forBuild PresetsandTest Presetsin CMake 3.20. We’re excited to adopt CMake Presets to address some common problems related to CMake configuration and build. ...