On Linux theDESTINATIONseems to be ignored and cmake tries to installtest.soto/usr/local/lib/test.so. I could useCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIXbut I can't see anything in thedocumentationthat suggests that this approach shouldn't work on Linux. ...
First thing you need to consider, Termux have a system-widelibuvandlibarchivethat you can install (pkg install libarchiveandpkg install libuv, the first problem is that cmake-python-distributionsCMakeLists.txtinCMake-srctries to install libarchive and libuv from sources, problem is, they are no...
Running setup.py install for dlib ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error× Running setup.py install for dlib did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [79 lines of output] running install /Users/tobiassteinbeck/PycharmProjects/Rationalising a denominatior/venv/lib/python3.8/sit...
CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions.-- The CXX compiler identificationisGNU4.8.5--Detecting CXX compiler ABI info-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -done-- Checkforworking CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -skipped--Detecting CXX compile features-- Detecting CXX com...
Using Intel Compiler 2022 as a toolset in cmake not working Subscribe More actions Kiefer_Kuah Employee 09-02-2022 11:13 AM 3,403 Views Solved Jump to solution Tried to build oneDNN with Intel Compiler 2022.1.0.138 using these documentation oneDNN build documen...
various option tried to build the project and got the following errors: C:\SEAL-main (2)\SEAL-main>cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 CMake Error: Error: generator platform: Win32 Does not match the platform used pre...
I’m not sure why, when I updated recently it didn’t update to this latest version. But as I say, it seems to be fixed and working fine now which is excellent! I believe this can be marked as solved now. Thank you. 0 May 23, 202...
├── cmake_install.cmake # 文件 ├── Makefile # 文件 ├── sort # 目录 ├── test1 # 目录 └── test2 # 目录 然后在build 目录下执行make 命令: 通过上图可以得到如下信息: 在项目根目录的lib目录中生成了静态库libcalc.a 在项目根目录的lib目录中生成了动态库libsort.so ...
For a working example of using CPM to download and configure the Boost C++ Libraries seehere. # the install option has to be explicitly set to allow installationCPMAddPackage( GITHUB_REPOSITORY jarro2783/cxxoptsVERSION2.2.1OPTIONS"CXXOPTS_BUILD_EXAMPLES NO""CXXOPTS_BUILD_TESTS NO""CXXOPTS_ENABLE_...