${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/<DESTINATION定义的路径> 举例: INSTALL(TARGETS myrun mylib mystaticlib RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION libstatic ) 说明: 二进制myrun安装到${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin目录 动态库lib mylib安装 $ {CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib目录 静态库lib ...
Example of make script complete for CMake build on Rocky Linux The next step is to install CMake using the “make install” command. sudomakeinstall Example of CMake build install complete on Rocky Linux Once completed, you can verify the installation by checking the version of CMake using ...
cmake -DTEST_CMAKE_FEATURE=$1 .. # It can be executed directly on the terminal, no need to execute build.sh, for example: cmake -P test_set.cmake make # make install # only used in cmake files with install command 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14....
INSTALL(PROGRAMSfiles...DESTINATION<dir>[PERMISSIONSpermissions...][CONFIGURATIONS[Debug|Release|...]][COMPONENT<component>][RENAME<name>][OPTIONAL]) 使用方法基本和上述目标文件指令的INSTALL相同,唯一别的不同是,安装非目标文件之后的权限为OWNER_EXECUTE, GOUP_EXECUTE, WORLD_EXECUTE,即755权限目录的安装。
>cmake -HBoo -B_builds/Boo -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="`pwd`/_install">cmake -HBoo -B_builds/Boo -DFoo_DIR="`pwd`/_install/lib/cmake/Foo" find_packageconfig-mode command will includeFooConfig.cmakefile and import new targetFoo::bar: ...
COMMAND${CMAKE_COMMAND}-E copy${SOURCE_DIR}/log.txt${SOURCE_DIR}/etc 单独执行命令的方式是: cmake --build <dir> [<options>] [-- <build-tool-options>] cmake --build /home/mydir --target finish 与add_executable(main main.cpp) 、add_library(mylib mylib.cpp) 的不同是,这两个会...
COMMAND echo ${_command} VERBATIM) (11) add_compile_options 含义:设置编译选项 语法: add_compile_options(<option> ...) 使用样例: add_compile_options(-std=c++11) (12) add_subdirectory 含义:将子目录添加到构建范围 语法: add_subdirectory(source_dir [binary_dir] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]) ...
COMMAND1(ARGS ...) COMMAND2(ARGS ...) ... ENDIF(expression) 另外一个指令是ELSEIF,总体把握一个原则,凡是出现IF的地方一定要有对应的 ENDIF.出现ELSEIF的地方,ENDIF是可选的。 表达式的使用方法如下: IF(var),如果变量不是:空,0,N, NO, OFF, FALSE, NOTFOUND或 <var>_NOTFOUND时,表达式为真。
the consumer's dependency with the version by supplying the CMake optionCPM_<dependency name>_SOURCEset to the absolute path of the local library. For example, to use the local version of the dependencyDepat the path/path/to/dep, the consumer can be built with the following command. ...
apt install cmake 步骤2:自动创建基础项目结构 你可以创建以下结构: /your-project-name /build # CMake生成的构建文件和可执行文件将放在这里 【方便管理生成的内容,比如你想批量删除时】 /example # 一些列子或者demo,临时写的一些代码 /doc # C++代码调试和测试相对复杂一些,所以做好设计很重要,把一些想做...