这提供了类似于通常在源文件头中使用的include保护或#pragma once指令的功能。如果当前文件以前已经为适用...
#include <string> #include <iostream> #include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h" using namespace std; int main() { string name = "Guest"; YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile("config.yaml"); if (config["name"]) name = config["name"].as<string>(); cout << "Welcome " << name << endl; re...
注意,这个 #pragma once 并不是 C/C++ 的标准,虽然大部分的编译器都支持。没有这个命令的时候,我们通常用 #ifndef 这样的语句来判定,如下所示。 #ifndef _MyClass_H #def _MyClass_H class MyClass { int number_; } #endif 这样在 .cpp 文件中,执行 #include "hello.h" 的时候,由于还没有定义 ...
include(/path/to/project-A/ProjectATargets.cmake) 执行此操作将为A的所有目标提供正确的属性集定义(如add_library()和add_executable()等命令)。 当然,我们不会手动写这样的文件——这不会是一个非常 DRY 的方法。CMake 可以用export()命令为我们生成这些文件,该命令具有以下签名: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ...
Once CMake cache generation has succeeded, you can also view your projects organized logically by targets. Choose the Select View button on the Solution Explorer toolbar. From the list in Solution Explorer - Views, select CMake Targets View and press Enter to open the targets view: Choose the...
{CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}-${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}-${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}")# Import.cmake is required by all ports and just need to include onceinclude("${ATFRAMEWORK_CMAKE_TOOLSET_DIR}/Import.cmake") project_third_party_include_port("<package dir>[/package sub dir]/<which package ...
target_include_directories(header_only_lib INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) 在上述代码中,我们定义了一个INTERFACE库,并告诉CMake其他链接到此库的目标需要知道头文件的位置。 正如《编程的艺术》中所说:“代码是写给人看的,顺便给机器执行。”(“Code is written for humans to read, and onl...
It still needs to be installed, but the installation occurs during the CMake Configure phase and is executed only once. find_package(qmsetupQUIET)if(NOTTARGETqmsetup::library)# Modify this variable according to your project structureset(_source_dir${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qmsetup)# Import...
#include <iostream> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl; } CMakeLists.txt Copy project (hello-cmake) add_executable(hello-cmake hello.cpp) As soon as you start, VS will load your CMake project and you can get started coding. Here’s an ove...
# CMake invokes the toolchain file twice during the first build, but only once during subsequent rebuilds. if(IOS_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_RUN) return() endif(IOS_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_RUN) set(IOS_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_RUN true) ### # OPTIONS # ### option(DROP_32...