OR OR操作符用于检查两个或更多条件中至少有一个是否为真。如果至少有一个条件为真,整个OR表达式的结果就为真(True);只有当所有条件都为假时,结果才为假(False)。 set(VAR1 ON) set(VAR2 OFF) if(VAR1 OR VAR2) message("At least one of VAR1 or VAR2 is true") else() message("Both VAR1 ...
# CMakeLists.txtif(IGNOREORNOTFOUND)else()message("IGNORE OR NOTFOUND is false")endif()if(TRUEORFALSE)message("TRUE OR FALSE is true")endif()if(TRUEAND(IGNOREORYES))# 注意括号的优先级最高,会先计算括号内的OR逻辑的值message("TRUE AND (IGNORE OR YES) is true")endif() # 命令行中执...
if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") message(STATUS "Doing things the usual way") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Darwin") message(STATUS "Thinking differently") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") message(STATUS "I'm supported here too.") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL ...
Trueifthe constant is1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero number. Falseifthe constant is0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, the emptystring, or endsinthe suffix -NOTFOUND. Named boolean constants arecase-insensitive. If the argument is not one of these constants, it is treated...
If set, CPM will forward all calls toCPMFindPackageasCPMAddPackage. This is useful to create reproducible builds or to determine if the source parameters have all been set correctly. This can also be set as an environmental variable. This can be controlled on a per package basis with theCPM...
if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Build type" FORCE) endif() message(STATUS "Build type set to ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") 接下来,我们告诉 CMake 在哪里构建可执行文件、静态库和共享库目标。这便于用户在不打算实际安装项目的情况下访问这些构建目标。我们使用标准的...
Starting in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 2, if your top-level CMakeLists.txt exists in a subfolder and not at the root of the workspace, you'll be prompted whether you'd like to enable CMake integration or not. For more information, see CMake partial activation. Once CMake...
To change the default location of executables, setCMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORYto the desired location. For example, if you add set (CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) to yourProject/CMakeLists.txtbeforetheadd_subdirectorycommand, your executable will end up inProject/buildfo...
add_executable(test"")if(APPLEORLINUX)target_compile_definitions(testPRIVATETEST1TEST2)endif()if(WIN32)target_compile_options(testPRIVATE$<$<CONFIG:Release>:-Ox-fp:fast>)endif()target_sources(testPRIVATEsrc/main.c) 自定义脚本 xmake xmake可以在编译构建的不同阶段(包括编译、安装、打包、运行),方便...
following names: libeventConfig.cmake libevent-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "libevent" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "libevent_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "libevent" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed....