Using Xcode 6.3.1, CMake 3.2.2 I have a project which links with a library. This library is included in the xcode-project as code, compiled and then linked with the main executable. The project is generated with cmake. Some extracts of the CMakeLists.txt: add_library(myli...
I'm using CMake with Xcode generator to generate Xcode project to build framework for iOS and tvOS (and other platforms too). I'm setting IOS_INSTALL_COMBINED to generate a framework that contains both device and simulator architectures automatically without need of calling lipo myself. The p...
Xcode = Generate Xcode project files. ... 下面是 Windows 上 CMake 3.26 支持的生成器(节选)。 * Visual Studio 17 2022 = Generates Visual Studio 2022 project files. Use -A option to specify architecture. Visual Studio 16 2019 = Generates Visual Studio 2019 project files. Use -A option to ...
Kate - Ninja = Generates Kate project files. Kate - Unix Makefiles = Generates Kate project files. Sublime Text 2 - Ninja = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files. Sublime Text 2 - Unix Makefiles = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files. 要切换不同的Generator,可使用-G参数,比如,工程可以这...
GYP(generate your projects) 是一个另类工具,能描述很复杂的工程关系,生成Makefile/VS Project File/...
上图中的配置(Configure)步骤仅与 GUI 构建相关。在使用 CMake 命令行时,生成(Generate)命令在内部...
(2)、跨平台,并可生成native编译配置文件,在Linux/Unix平台,生成makefile,在苹果平台,可以生成xcode,在Windows平台,可以生成MSVC的工程文件。 (3)、能够管理大型项目,KDE4就是最好的证明。 (4)、简化编译构建过程和编译过程。Cmake的工具链非常简单:cmake+make。
# Debug symbols set in XCode project set_xcode_property(example GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES "All") # Installation if(PLATFORM MATCHES "MAC.*") install(TARGETS ${APP_NAME} BUNDLE DESTINATION . COMPONENT Runtime RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT Runtime ...
你可以生成一个 compile_commands.json 文件给 Clang 的 LibTooling 库使用 限于我的兴趣范围,描述在 VS, Xcode, Qt下使用CMake的章节暂且不翻译,有兴趣的读者可以参阅原文(。
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.5)project(hello_library)#将hello.cpp打包成动态库#Generate the shared library from the library sourcesadd_library(hello_librarySHAREDsrc/hello.cpp)#给动态库hello_library起一个别名hello::libraryadd_library(hello::libraryALIAShello_library)#设置包含目录message(" PROJECT_SO...