Behavior I see now is that after generating, I get the "The path to the compiler for one or more source files was not found in the CMake cache" error, and then I get the 'CMake Tools' is unable to provide Intellisense configuration" warning when opening any source file in the projec...
一个简单的解决办法是删除CMakeCache.txt文件和CMakeFiles目录,然后重新运行CMake命令,并且指定相同的生成器。例如,在Windows系统下使用MinGW Makefiles生成器,需要安装MinGW工具,并且在命令行中输入: PS D:\Project_Docs\kendryte-standalone-sdk\cmake> cmake -DPROJ=hello_world -DTOOLCHAIN="C:\kendryte-toolch...
Then, set the cmakeExecutable property in your existing cache configuration to use that version of CMake. In your existing cache configuration, set the cacheGenerationCommand property to let Visual Studio request the necessary CMake file-based API files. For more information on that property, see...
# This is the CMakeCache file. # For build in directory: xxx/build # It was generated by CMake: yyy/cmake # You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake. # If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor. # If you do want to cha...
用$CACHE{xx} 访问的是缓存变量,缓存变量是全局的,不服从父子模块传播规则。 message(STATUS "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID = $CACHE{CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}") ${XX} 找不到局部变量时会去找缓存变量,如果缓存变量也找不到,就会报错。 if (DEFINED myvar) 会判断 myvar 是否被定义,而 if (myvar) 会判断 ...
包括:CMakeCache.txt、CMakeFiles、cmake_install.cmake、Makefile等中间文件。 指令:make PS:可以使用make VERBOSE=1来查看make构建的详细过程。 这个时候已经生成了hello. 指令:./hello 以上是cmake构建的全部过程。 3、详细解释 对CMakeLists.txt的详细解释: PROJECT(projectname [CXX] [C] [Java]) 用这...
[cache] Cache file does not exist: Returning empty cache data checking from vscode terminal if cmake is available (and seeing that it is not available): (hcs_20220301) 0 [ggg@ggg](2645404 N/T/CN)$ which cmake /usr/bin/which: no cmake in (/mnt/irisgpfs/users/pantony/.vscode-serve...
CMake 是一个跨平台开源工具家族,用于构建、测试和打包软件。它通过简单的平台无关且编译器无关的配置...
1.$./|grep-v"\-\-"2.myenv is now first3.generatedwithfirst4.myenv is now second5.Scanning dependenciesoftarget EchoEnv6.myenvinbuild is first7.Built target EchoEnv 2.1.2 缓存变量 缓存变量可以通过$CACHE{<name>} 语法来引用,而设置一个缓存变量使用set(<variable> <value> CACHE <...
缓存变量会被保存在 CMakeCache.txt 中?它相当于全局变量,可在同一个 CMake 工程中的任何位置使用(任意目录)。 逻辑变量 bool 变量可以用多种值表示真:1、ON、YES、Y、true、非零数。 用多种值表示假:0、OFF、NO、N、false、IGNORE、空字符串、NOTFOUND、或以 -NOTFOUND 为后缀?