#A short-hand signature is: find_library (<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...]) #The general signature is: find_library ( <VAR> name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...] [NAMES_PER_DIR] [HINTS [path | ENV var]... ] [PATHS [path | ENV var]... ] [REGISTRY_VIEW (64|32|64_32|32_64...
In CLion when I attempt to build a project using CMake with a pre-bundled GLEW dependency using the following CMake, I get the following error: "Could NOT find GLEW (missing: GLEW_LIBRARIES) (found version "2.0.0")" even though the target is set to the dependencies folder. I already ...
Hi! Here is a small project reproducing the issue: https://github.com/mad-rain/CocoapodsCMakeBug. Run compile.sh and you will receive the following error: ld: framework not found Pods_app If you will comment out "pod install" line in com...
Linker Command Failed with Exit Code 1 While Linking Library in CMake: Clang Error, Cocos2d error - clang: failure in linker command with exit code 1 (utilize -v to observe invocation), Encountering clang: error: the linker command was unsuccessful with
stderr: "CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to \"Ninja\". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.\nCMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage\nCMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, afte...
cmake_minimum_required写在 CMakeLists 的第一行,表示这个 CMakeLists 需要的最低版本的 CMake,FATAL_ERROR表示,如果达不到最低版本要求就报致命错误,停止执行(CMake 的语法变化非常大,因此有必要声明一下最低的版本要求) project(Demo VERSION 0.1)Demo 是项目的名称,0.1 是项目的版本号,LANGUAGES CXX表明项目...
我得到以下错误: Searching Python 3.8 libraries... Found Python library: /usr/lib64/libpython3.8.so Found Python headers folder: /usr/include/python3.8 CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program correspondi 浏览297提问于2020-03-22得票数 4 回答已采纳...
在运行doxygen时,我得到以下错误: doxygen: error while loading shared libraries:libclang.so.6: cannot open shared在/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu中,我有libclang-4.0.so.1和libclang-5.0.so.1,但没有libclang.so.6。我还尝试创建一个名为libclang.so.6的符号链接,名为libclang...
CMake Error at /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.3.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1245 (message): Unable to find the requested Boost libraries. Boost version: 0.0.0 Boost include path: /usr/include Detected version of Boost is too old. Requested version was 1.36 (or newer). Call Stack...