解决“Cmake error :generator: Ninja“问题 原因在于版本不统一,之前编译过CMakeLists.txt后,产生了缓存文件CMakeCache.txt, 解决方案:删除CMakeCache.txt文件,解决。 rm -f `find -nameCMakeCache.txt`
一,遇到的问题: 问题详情: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:2 (project): Generator Visual Studio 15 2017 could not find any instance of Visual Studio. Configuring in
CMake Error: Could not create named generator Visual Studio 16 2019 -A Win64 在使用vcpkg编译OsgEarth的时候,官方给出的编译方法是: cmake -S osgearth -B build -G “Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DWIN32_USE_MP=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[installroot] ...
The generator is called Xcode and not XCode. 看到这句话感觉挺奇怪, 我不仅装了 Xcode, 并且还装了2个 😂. 想到这里突然意识到是不是装了2个 Xcode 的问题. 于是打开应用列表看了一下: 屏幕快照 2018-01-20 下午3.24.24.png 突然发现以前为了防止安装2个 Xcode 时候冲突, 就以版本号为后缀重命名了 ...
负责从CMakeLists.txt生成本地构建系统构建规则文件的,称为生成器(generator)。 支持的生成器可以通过cmake -G命令来查看: (base)meng@Meng:~/projects/c++_learning/13$ cmake -G CMake Error: No generator specifiedfor-G Generators Green HillsMULTI=Generates Green Hills MULTI files(experimental, work-in...
I cloned the repository and tried running build.cmd, but experienced this failure: . There aren't any instructions specific to VS 2019, so I'm a bit unsure where to go from here.
3)勾选完毕后,点击下载和安装,等结束后,再进入CMake GUI,此时发现可以顺利Configure和Generate了。点击Configure一定要注意,先选择同你电脑VS一致的generator,比如我是VS15 2017;第二行代表你生成项目是32位还是64位,32位输入Win32,64位输入x64;其他都默认即可。
Generator: execution of make failed. Make command was: C:/mingw64/bin/mingw32-make.exe cmTC_4a2bf/fast && 重开clion之后的日志如下: 无法获取编译器信息:Cannot run program "C:\mingw64\bin\gcc.exe" (in directory "E:\Code\cpp_study\clion\cmake-build-debug"): CreateProcess error=740, ...
1,CMake Error: Could not create named generator Visual Studio 16 2019 Win64 这行错误的来源是借鉴vs2017编译命令--“cmake ../cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"”,来写2019的编译命令时的报错。 但是看提示,2019以前的命令,都是直接传参,即[arch],编译2019的命令有所变化,应使用"-A" ...
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:50 (add_compile_options): Error evaluating generator expression: $<$CONFIG:DEBUG> Expression did not evaluate to a known generator expression Call Stack (most recent call first): source/Irrlicht/CMakeLists.txt:168 (irr_adjust_flags) Environment Ubuntu 18.04 CMak...