-B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 CMake Error: Error: generator platform: x64 Does not match the platform used previously: Either remove the CMakeCache.txt file and CMakeFiles directory or choose a different binary directory. any possible solutions?Contributor WeiDaiWD commented J...
我想在 Windows 10 中使用 pip install dlib 使用cmd 安装 dlib 但它显示以下三个错误:CMakeLists.txt 中的 CMake 错误:生成器 NMake Makefiles does not support platform specification, but platform x64 was specified. CMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage CMake Error: CMAKE_...
However, in my case, I did not specify the generator, only the architecture. The CMake helper in the build method chose the generator of "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" based on arch = x86_64, which CMake errors out on when CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM is defined as "x64", ala the C...
generator.-A<platform-name>=Specify platform nameifsupported by generator. 通过阅读帮助文档,辅以简单的排除法,我觉得toolset-name这个属性很可能是我要的,于是谷歌: cmake toolset name 从而找到了文档2,在文档2中发现了host=x64这个东西,但是我还不知道怎么用!于是继续搜索:cmake host=x64 找到了文档3,然后...
如需支援架構欄位之 IDE 產生器的完整清單,請參閱CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM。 如需支援工具組欄位之 IDE 產生器的完整清單,請參閱CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET。 使用下列範例以 Arm64 與 Ninja 產生器為目標,或以 Visual Studio 16 2019 產生器為目標 Win32 (x86): ...
# 需要包含 path-to-vcglib/wrap/ply/plylib.cpp aux_source_directory(/home/era/workspace/lib/vcglib/wrap/ply VCG_PLY) add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES} ${VCG_PLY}) set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM "x64") 参考...
D:\ProgramFiles\opencv\sources)-> 点击“Configure按钮”,出现配置对话框->在“Specify the generator for this project”内选择“MinGW Makefiles”选项,在下边的编译器类型中,选择: “Specify native compilers”,单击“Next”->在编译器选择器选择界面,在C后面选择C编译路径(我的为:D:\ProgramFiles\Qt5.9.0...
{ "cmake.generator": "Ninja", "cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceRoot}/out/${buildType}-${command:azuresphere.AzureSphereTargetApiSet}", "cmake.buildToolArgs": [ "-v" ], "cmake.configureArgs": [ "--no-warn-unused-cli" ], "cmake.configureSettings": { "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE":...