对于CMakefile其他配置项,可以参考CMakefile是否存在,这类配置项都可以通过 cmake -D<Variable>=<Value>"进行设置。 # Set of indiviual options option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Set to OFF to build static libraries" ON) option(WITH_SYSTEMD "Set to ON to create unit files and systemd check on dlt-daem...
对于CMakefile其他配置项,可以参考CMakefile是否存在,这类配置项都可以通过 cmake -D<Variable>=<Value>"进行设置。 # Set of indiviual options option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Set to OFF to build static libraries" ON) option(WITH_SYSTEMD "Set to ON to create unit files and systemd check on dlt-daem...
If ENV var is found in the HINTS or PATHS section the environment variable var will be read and converted from a system environment variable to a cmake style list of paths. For example ENV PATH would be a way to list the system path variable. The argument after DOC will be used for ...
# Set Normal Variableset(<variable><value>...[PARENT_SCOPE])# Set Environment Variable# 这个环境变量只对当前cmake工程有效,对外界是无效的。set(ENV{<variable>}[<value>]) 例子 set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall -Wl,-rpath=/tools/lib64 -Wl,--dynamic-linker...
首先说明如何修改或创建一个环境变量,使用set(ENV{<variable>} <value>) 指令用以声明,使用unset(ENV{<variable>})来清除某一个环境变量,其中ENV表示环境变量标志性前缀,variable指变量名称,value则为变量值,需要注意的是设定或读取环境变量时,都通过ENV前缀来访问环境变量,读取环境变量值时,要在ENV前加$符号;但...
{DEBUG_SUFFIX}.dll""$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${PROJECT_NAME}>")endforeach()# MINGW deployment, copy the required MinGW librariesif(MINGW)if(NOTDEFINEDENV{UCRT64})# message(FATAL_ERROR "UCRT64 environment variable not set!")set(MINGW_PATH"D:/Scoop/apps/msys2/current/ucrt64")message("MINGW ENV...
We recommend using the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable instead of an absolute path to keep the file shareable. For more information, see Enable vcpkg integration with CMake Presets. CMakePresets.json is available in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10 or later and is the recommended CMake ...
"environment": [], "externalConsole": true, //调试时是否显示控制台窗口,一般设置为true显示控制台 "internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen", //如果不设为neverOpen,调试时会跳到“调试控制台”选项卡" "MIMode": "gdb", //指定连接的调试器
If the user speci- fies an instance (e.g. by setting this cache entry or via the CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE environment variable), or after a default instance is chosen when a build tree is first configured, the value will be available in this variable. The value of this variable should ...